Topic started: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 01:11
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Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 26 Oct 2010 01:11
Fell inside a rock just south of town...somehow some Gekkos managed to follow me inside the rock...took me about 20 min to realize I could escape via fast travel (I don't tend to use fast travel much in games of this type) ...also saw some more gekkos inside another rock later...
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 28 Oct 2010 08:29
OK, this game is a buggy piece of crap.

Told one of my companions to stay put at a point in the story where I am interrogating someone in a locked room for the NCR (with my fists). Somehow he gets into the room with me and starts slicing up the subject of the interrogation, luckily he stops when the subject has had enough, but now he is trapped in the room, which I can't open (requires Key) which I'm not sure even exists, as I've tried pickpocketing the person who would presumably have it.

My last non-auto save was HOURS and HOURS of gameplay I know, my foul there...but failure to save manually should only punish me for my mistakes, not the game being a poorly tested piece of s**t. So now I've lost my companion, who was schlepping a lot of valuable gear for me, the only remedy I can see being starting over from my last save...which is an unacceptable solution (an entire Vault I cleaned out between now and then, among other things)

Glad I rented.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 28 Oct 2010 09:05
Went on official game forums...

apparently calling it a "poorly tested piece of s**t" is an insult to excrement.

people are afraid to play the game its so bad, its got so many issues, ranging from merely annoying to utterly gamebreaking.
Joined 11 Nov 2010
Thu, 11 Nov 2010 05:54
This is nothing compare to FO 3, bigger map but nothing to see, few shacks, hills, rock, dry lack, gas station, what else ? few caves. only hoover dam i enjoy. not to mention no random accounter, the artwork of caesar and khans. my god. what's up with that ? the name Fallout is self destructed by releasing NV. for the Bug, i accept it. but the artwork and locations is poorly created. lack of imagination. no feel of apocalayptic sense and world. Waste my money.
Fri, 4 Mar 2011 20:44
Yup. A poorly tested piece of crap is right. Bethesda is never, ever going to sell me another game.

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