It has two teams of middle class kids with posh accents and superiority complex`s who actually owned a SNES and 500 other kids who were rounded up from local arcades with the offer of sweets and free video games and free screaming, as they can only own second hand Amiga/Speccy/Com64 there dads haggled for through the Loot, Dominic Diamond the only adult who actually knowing something about games unlike 99% of the world (save for Tim!) and Patrick Moore, not quite sure what he was doing in a blue screen room saying funny words like 16 bit and Megabyte (gigabyte being a pipe dream)......
otherwise it will suck!
Serioulsy though the thought of it being aimed at kids nowadays i cant see it working, after all those kids then are adults now, how the hell will they have a game off with MW2?
I hear Dave Perry will still be up for a job. Who can forget the hilarious moment he lost Super Mario 64. I worked for DP for a while and he still had a sense of resentment for Dominic Diamond after all those years. A sad pathetic man really. But one worth humiliating me thinks. I mean he still looks like he did even now (leather and bandanas). Check YouTube if you need a reminder...
Mate of mine from old Future days just sent this reminder: "I'll await my invite in case they need someone to commentate on a game of Mortal Kombat III between Heavy D and the Boyz and Mark Curry."
I hear Dave Perry will still be up for a job. Who can forget the hilarious moment he lost Super Mario 64. I worked for DP for a while and he still had a sense of resentment for Dominic Diamond after all those years. A sad pathetic man really. But one worth humiliating me thinks. I mean he still looks like he did even now (leather and bandanas). Check YouTube if you need a reminder...
God, I remember Dave Perry. I was working down at Future in Bath when GM launched... I do believe that mr P came down. I was either on New Computer Express or Amiga Format at the time... we went for a beer or 10 and forgot to ask someone or other.
You know what I miss the most from GamesMaster? The epic hairstyles of the games journos during the Reviews segments. Who was the chap with the stunning half-shaved mullet? Truly a beauty to behold.
GamesMaster should be a hot chick. Failing that, it should be presented by a hot chick. Failing that, they should just have hot chicks in repulsor bikinis doing general stuff. I'm going to nominate Alex Sim-Wise to present.
Or maybe I'm just missing the whole damn point. I dunno...