Looks real enough, but i suspect prototype, as the real version must be able to compete with ITouch`s styles, but then again the first DS was ugly as sin,
edit: after looking real close at these pics again, they do look rendered, and each image seems to be taken with perfect angles and nice lighting, we never see leaked photos looking this good.
It's the screen that gives it away as a render, plus that fact it looks like a brick with haemorrhoids and looks about as easy to use as a bucket of bees!
It looks too big to be made by Nintendo, Nintendo's handheld consoles have always been.. small in a sense, this to me looks like a slightly small iPad.
This is obviously a render, the lighting occlusions are very static, look at image #7and the lense flair created by the light just above this awful looking concept. If this device was actually there, and white, it would provide some reflection of light back onto the table, that light is just way to intense and the shadows are occluding in very straight lines...
Eh, I bet it will look like a dsiXL just with better graphics! Keep in mind it is the same generation. What I really want to see is the graphics! Ill probably get one, in my life. Im just glad I never even bothered too buy the XL.
It wouldn't be the same generation. If you've been following this before they made the 3DS announcement, it was leaked by someone apparently related to Gamefreak that the prototype of the "DS Successor" was like comparing a n64 to a gamecube in terms of graphics. Hopefully, though, the 3DS looks like neither. Those consoles weren't very attractive :)