Redesigned Nintendo DS ‘months away…’

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Topic started: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:22
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Joined 28 Feb 2005
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:22
I was kind of fearing this would happen. I'm one of those people who will buy every remake of a Nintendo system, no matter how pointless the upgrade is.

What I expect from the newer DS is a Dpad just like the GameBoy Micro and Revolution, action buttons just like the ones on the Micro, brighter screens with variable brightness settings and better materials. Two versions, black and white. What to I get if I win? =P
Joined 15 Apr 2004
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:35
This is probably again just a load of bull from spong, like the guarantee we'd get a new, high powered GameBoy to compete with PSP for this years E3.

The fact with the DS is, that there isn't really much they can do with the design they already have. The two screens are there to stay. Not much can chage on the layout, and shrinking it to a DS micro would cause problems using the touchscreen.

I hate it when poeple come to conclusions based on a few vague words.
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:38
Greg2k wrote:
I was kind of fearing this would happen. I'm one of those people who will buy every remake of a Nintendo system, no matter how pointless the upgrade is.

Me too :-(
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:49
LordVader717 wrote:
The fact with the DS is, that there isn't really much they can do with the design they already have.

They can do plenty

Compared to the PSP the DS has a lot of extra plastic baggage. The screens would remain the same size, but they can certainly reduce it in width/depth/length.
Joined 3 Aug 2005
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 17:18
Spong only said there'd be a new gameboy on show at E3 and they were bang on the money as the micro was unveiled.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 17:41
Greg2k wrote:
I was kind of fearing this would happen. I'm one of those people who will buy every remake of a Nintendo system, no matter how pointless the upgrade is.

i manage to not do this simply because smaller sizes dont matter at this point... i cant swap the high quality digi cam for a phoen cam... i cant live playign mp3's on a phone... i still have a stand alone pda... and a hi-md and a ds... plus extra games... i've pretty much just resigned myself to carrying a man bag at all times (iif thats not a set up for a gay joke i don't know what is).
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 19:58
All they have to do is make the top and bottom half actually fit together, instead of having that big CHASM in between that it has right now.

I love my DS but it is ugly. It looks like a protoype version of something. I wouldn't expect a drastic redesign like the GBA SP because it does not need it. It just needs to not be so ugly with smoother lines and better plastics.
Joined 17 Aug 2005
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 21:25
Greg2k wrote:
I was kind of fearing this would happen. I'm one of those people who will buy every remake of a Nintendo system, no matter how pointless the upgrade is.

What I expect from the newer DS is a Dpad just like the GameBoy Micro and Revolution, action buttons just like the ones on the Micro, brighter screens with variable brightness settings and better materials. Two versions, black and white. What to I get if I win? =P

yeah, me too, hopefully it will be out by next x-mas so i can get it. DS was last year. This year i'm getting an ipod, next year( if this comes out) it will be the new DS.

A white version would be awesome
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 21:34
Redesigns for it would be cool but I'll wait and see what Nintendo have up their sleeve first, not that I need another DS anyway, I already have two DSs.

I do think that the d-pad needs to be redone, playing the like is of beat em ups on it like SFA3 is a nightmare compared to GBA or GBA SP. I also think a strap would be nice so when using the stylus you can hold it firmly in your hand.

Other than those improvements I'll be happy.

Joined 10 Jun 2004
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 22:16
I'm going to have to give my current opinion about the DS here, and that's that it is pretty crap.

The design does look like a prototype, unless you're mad you wouldn't be seen dead playing it in public, unlike the PSP, Micro and SP.

Nintendo created potential with the DS, however with the exception of the WiFi gaming network, they haven't in my mind produced any innovative games for the system at all, and it still has a minute software library - especially of quality titles.

Prehaps it's that the DS hardware is underpowered, it can only display 3D on both screens at 1/2 framerate, that it can't forfill it's potential and the possibilities with the second screen have been relegated to general map and menu-like functions.

Yes, I know it's early in the console's life, it it hasn't the "wow" factor. They haven't knocked out the games to support the system, they haven't got a large stream of 3rd party support, they haven't got the brand kudos of Sony in the Western countries. The DS is already starting to disappear from shop shelves, the way the Gamecube and to a lesser extent the GBA has.

I tried to buy Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones on release last week. Only two of about 10 major online shops had a copy. And I had to pay a much igher price that I would have liked. The game itself, at present is quite average. You can't have customers if they can't buy your products.

Every time I buy a new Nintendo game at the moment I feel disappointed with the quality. Many of the games are rotten apples and cheap cash-ins under the flagging Nintendo brand. Echoes, Emblem (at the moment, I'll give it a bit of time before writing it off), Four Swords. In contrast, for the past year or so Nintendo has been being supported by a few truely excellent third party titles such as RE4 and Tales of Symphonia.

I don't think the Revolution will be a success. They can talk it up as much as they want, but they've only delivered tech demos. Even if they deliver attractive-looking software, I already feel that with a string of poor, expensive games as a result of trusting Nintendo previously, it's probably not worth the risk of buy a DS or Revo, certainly not anywhere near launch. Hell, I held out buying a GBA for 3 years because I couldn't find more than a single quality new, non-remade title on the system, eventually they came, but still in small numbers.

I'm not questioning the innvovation of the console here, but the notion that Nintendo will be able to deliver innovative and excellent software - not just Mario Tennis Revolution, Mario Party Revolution, Mario Football Revolution; most likely basically controller-centric expanded mini-games with no substance.

Sorry Nintendo, but you've blown it. I've been a loyal customer for years, and years and years. I've defended you when people bashed you for trying and succeeding in doing something new with the Wind Waker and marveled at the magic of Metroid Prime. But your time is over; you're producing sets of disappointing and ever-worsening sequels and being afraid to be different - Twilight Princess, anyone? Boring-looking OoT remake with a gimmiky wolf mode selling on people's rose-tinted specs is what I see.

You can't be product-focused rather than customer-focused and live on an ever decreasing customer base forever.
Joined 4 Mar 2004
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 23:00
I'm excited for an update, though they don't need it yet.

I talked to someone at GameStop yesterday, who keeps telling people to buy a PSP, but the DS is outselling Sony's machine three or five to one at his store. It's the Nintendogs bundle, I'm sure. So far, I'm impressed with the games. I've got Castlevania DS, Lunar: Dragon Song, Lost in Blue, Sprung, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Trauma Center (the surgery game), Meteos, Trace Memory, and Nintendogs... All are good, if not great.

My PSP lies on the shelf other than for Lumines. I have maybe five games for it, but am pretty bored with them.

I would like to see a version of the DS with the screens touching--and maybe with two widescreens like the new, backlit Gameboy Advance SP quietly added.
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 23:09
I'm going to have to give my current opinion about the DS here, and that's that it is pretty crap.

The design does look like a prototype, unless you're mad you wouldn't be seen dead playing it in public, unlike the PSP, Micro and SP.

Nintendo created potential with the DS, however with the exception of the WiFi gaming network, they haven't in my mind produced any innovative games for the system at all, and it still has a minute software library - especially of quality titles.

Prehaps it's that the DS hardware is underpowered, it can only display 3D on both screens at 1/2 framerate, that it can't forfill it's potential and the possibilities with the second screen have been relegated to general map and menu-like functions.

Yes, I know it's early in the console's life, it it hasn't the "wow" factor. They haven't knocked out the games to support the system, they haven't got a large stream of 3rd party support, they haven't got the brand kudos of Sony in the Western countries. The DS is already starting to disappear from shop shelves, the way the Gamecube and to a lesser extent the GBA has.

I tried to buy Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones on release last week. Only two of about 10 major online shops had a copy. And I had to pay a much igher price that I would have liked. The game itself, at present is quite average. You can't have customers if they can't buy your products.

Every time I buy a new Nintendo game at the moment I feel disappointed with the quality. Many of the games are rotten apples and cheap cash-ins under the flagging Nintendo brand. Echoes, Emblem (at the moment, I'll give it a bit of time before writing it off), Four Swords. In contrast, for the past year or so Nintendo has been being supported by a few truely excellent third party titles such as RE4 and Tales of Symphonia.

I don't think the Revolution will be a success. They can talk it up as much as they want, but they've only delivered tech demos. Even if they deliver attractive-looking software, I already feel that with a string of poor, expensive games as a result of trusting Nintendo previously, it's probably not worth the risk of buy a DS or Revo, certainly not anywhere near launch. Hell, I held out buying a GBA for 3 years because I couldn't find more than a single quality new, non-remade title on the system, eventually they came, but still in small numbers.

I'm not questioning the innvovation of the console here, but the notion that Nintendo will be able to deliver innovative and excellent software - not just Mario Tennis Revolution, Mario Party Revolution, Mario Football Revolution; most likely basically controller-centric expanded mini-games with no substance.

Sorry Nintendo, but you've blown it. I've been a loyal customer for years, and years and years. I've defended you when people bashed you for trying and succeeding in doing something new with the Wind Waker and marveled at the magic of Metroid Prime. But your time is over; you're producing sets of disappointing and ever-worsening sequels and being afraid to be different - Twilight Princess, anyone? Boring-looking OoT remake with a gimmiky wolf mode selling on people's rose-tinted specs is what I see.

You can't be product-focused rather than customer-focused and live on an ever decreasing customer base forever.

thats one long post.
im pissed of at nintendo, i mean my DS is 11 months old. and sure i understand why they do it.its just annoying.
Joined 11 Nov 2005
Sat, 12 Nov 2005 00:08
Just to tell you Adam M

In the case of the revolution, it is not going to fail just because nintendo made it, I am very sure that if sony had made something like it, everyone would absolutely love it. The controller has attracted so many third party developers that that would put away your first theory. Nintendo is good with controllers, as a matter of fact, they were good enough to get rid of joy sticks, put d-pads, then minaturize joy sticks and put them WITH d-pads, now this point-shoot method is no different.

As with the DS, third party developers are no problem at all, as stated before, the ds is outselling the psp by a GRAND amount, just what happened with the N64, it lost 3rd party support yet its line of 1st party games had made it very good, to the point that when a videogame store was robbed, all nintendo 64 stuff and systems were affected in some way whereas the dust on ps ones and dreamcasts were just as it was the day before.

As with your complaint of using mario too much, listen to this. When nintendo does that, they don't have to worry about redesigning any new charachters, they already have the designs, why do it again?? Another thing is that thay don't have to ask anybody to use anything, they don't need the NBA to give them any rights so they pay no money and they make a 100% profit from all thier sales. so obviously, nintendo is winning this war. ESPECIALLY in japan, the ds has literaly ROCKETED past the psp, Nintendo's handheld market has dominated for long, and it will continue. as for the home console war, it has lost its grip and hit a little bit of a strong wind, but it's not yet done. Only time will tell and I'm pretty sure that it wont be a long time before that happens.

Just to think i registered entirely just for this one post.
Joined 11 Nov 2005
Sat, 12 Nov 2005 00:08
oh, and in case your wondering..... i am very anti psp. and the reason you didn't find fire emblem: Sacred stones, is that it is a very good game. GameInformers game of the month as a matter of fact.
Joined 10 Jun 2004
Sat, 12 Nov 2005 11:56
jodo4 wrote:
Just to tell you Adam M

In the case of the revolution, it is not going to fail just because nintendo made it, I am very sure that if sony had made something like it, everyone would absolutely love it. The controller has attracted so many third party developers that that would put away your first theory. Nintendo is good with controllers, as a matter of fact, they were good enough to get rid of joy sticks, put d-pads, then minaturize joy sticks and put them WITH d-pads, now this point-shoot method is no different.


You've totally missed my point!

My point is that while the console may be innovative Nintendo themselves will probably not produce the innvoative software to back it up.

As with the DS, third party developers are no problem at all, as stated before, the ds is outselling the psp by a GRAND amount, just what happened with the N64, it lost 3rd party support yet its line of 1st party games had made it very good, to the point that when a videogame store was robbed, all nintendo 64 stuff and systems were affected in some way whereas the dust on ps ones and dreamcasts were just as it was the day before.

I don't care about how many 3rd parties developers. I'm talking about high-quality titles from Nintendo at the moment. And a lack of high-quality games from 3rd parties too.

I liked very few N64 games, but that's for another argument.

As with your complaint of using mario too much, listen to this. When nintendo does that, they don't have to worry about redesigning any new charachters, they already have the designs, why do it again??


Why be innvovative when you could produce the same old trash?

Another thing is that thay don't have to ask anybody to use anything, they don't need the NBA to give them any rights so they pay no money and they make a 100% profit from all thier sales. so obviously, nintendo is winning this war.

Err, yes. "The product has reached the end of its life" - when PS2 and Xbox are still doing quite well.

ESPECIALLY in japan, the ds has literaly ROCKETED past the psp, Nintendo's handheld market has dominated for long, and it will continue.

At the moment. And this is just Japan.

as for the home console war, it has lost its grip and hit a little bit of a strong wind, but it's not yet done. Only time will tell and I'm pretty sure that it wont be a long time before that happens.

I agree, however if they continue the way they are at the moment they'll be consigned to history.

oh, and in case your wondering..... i am very anti psp. and the reason you didn't find fire emblem: Sacred stones, is that it is a very good game. GameInformers game of the month as a matter of fact.

I'm still giving Fire Emblem a chance. Echoes 2, Warioworld, Four Swords and a lot of the Mario spin-offs are examples of disappointing games.
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