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Topic started: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 12:01
Click here to view the news article this topic refers to.
Joined 5 Mar 2004
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 12:01
I'm convinced there is no major problem with the 360. It will have been tested thoroughly before launch and MS know that a shaky start would ruin their dreams of console dominance. This is just another case of the Sony Club (tm) doing its best to discredit MS and the 360. Remember the famous 'disc scratching' of the XBOX in Japan? That was blown out of all proportion by the same people, people who can't bear the thought of serious competition for Sony.
Joined 22 Nov 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 16:38
I simply can't agree with this article... so the for you, the fact that other consoles have issues, justifies the 360 having too, the tradition or custom of something is enough to justifie itself, so as in some african countries, the children death-rate is quite high and has always been, there's no reason for that to change, or for anyone to complain or do something about it!?!? What a totally false, imature comment/justication, these issues are not tolerable, when you buy something, you expect that it works, if not the least thing youwant to hear is that "it's normal", normal my *ss, normal would be the console work period. By what your saying, as Nintendo consoles encounter rather few casualties, they must be outstanding, for me Nintendo just do their job, manufacturing reliable hardware, the others, Microsoft & Sony are just bad, the standart is Nintendo, not the others...
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 16:57
GameGod wrote:
I simply can't agree with this article... so the for you, the fact that other consoles have issues, justifies the 360 having too.

That's not quite what it says.

The fact is, if you have 100 testers, who test for 1000 hours (40 solid days), that is just 100,000 hours of testing.

If you then sell 200,000 units. One hour after everyone gets home from the shop you have 200,000 hours of real world use.

No-one purposefully releases hardware with faults - why would they, it costs them money to replace or repair them. But there's no amount of lab testing that can compare with a widescale retail release for showing up problems.

And people who buy something new, on day zero, after months of waiting and aticipation, are going to shout loudest and longest if it doesn't work. Which is why you always get reports like this when there's a major hardware launch - and why they are always exaggerated out of all proportion.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 18:12
I Like the fact the article doesn't say nothing about defect GC's or N64's or DS's... rightly so, you can drive a bloody car (some idiots tried that and it got aired on some tv-gameshow) over a N64 and it doesn't break.

Every electronic product has a faultmargin of something around 0.1%, there's no such thing as perfect hardware, thank god for garanties. Probably this is blown out of proportions by some Sony fanclubs. I remember them going banana's when the news came that DS's could have 1 dead pixel on either screen. The PSP is a brick when it comes to reliability now does it... please.

nice customer service though.
Joined 22 Nov 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 19:15
That's more like it Doc, now Spong is talking better, just a shame it is not on the main article. I agree with the Sony fanboys inflating this issue, but you don't have to be a fanboy to know that MS products are rather crappy, I agree that when selling a product the aim is not to sell bad product, nevertheless it keeps on happening, the tentation of making a few bucks per console by drawing the line of quality nearer the just acceptable must have been too tempting for someone at MS, in that game I think Sony still leads, the PS1/2 are notorious at failing, owned a PS1 back in the days, it failed never bought a Sony console since, and seeing the PS2 of my friends crashing conforts me in my opinion, not to speak about the eggy PSP!!!
Joined 24 Nov 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 21:37
Yeah, I've never heard of a failing GameCube. Or N64. Or SNES. Or even NES! Perhaps a gameboy once, but never a GBA. Or a DS. Or any other Nintendo product!
They rock.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 06:01
GameGod wrote:
...but you don't have to be a fanboy to know that MS products are rather crappy, I agree that when selling a product the aim is not to sell bad product, nevertheless it keeps on happening, the tentation of making a few bucks per console by drawing the line of quality nearer the just acceptable must have been too tempting for someone at MS, in that game I think Sony still leads, the PS1/2 are notorious at failing, owned a PS1 back in the days, it failed never bought a Sony console since, and seeing the PS2 of my friends crashing conforts me in my opinion, not to speak about the eggy PSP!!!

Sorry man, your such an idiot. One system out of 100,000 breaks and you whine like a little child. You bought it, return it for a working one. Defects are covered by the manufacturer (except dead pixels and burn-in on screens, but we all know Microsoft isn't selling screens.) I work with TVs, I sell them. I love when people say they had a tv or know someone who's had a tv and it broke, so now the WHOLE company now sucks. Good companies like Hitachi and Panasonic and Pioneer. They have no idea how the company is otherwise, just that someone, somewhere, in some time period had one that broke so now they suck. I hope that's not the only reason you're not buying a Sony or Microsoft game console. All electronics break over a long enough timespan, so then by your logic, everything sucks. Stick with tin cans on a string kid and you'll never lose.

Although I do admit Nintendo is a rare exception to this. I HAVE seen a few break, but not many.

Joined 25 Nov 2005
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 13:56
My Orignal Xbox (purchased on UK release Day) worked for less than 24 hours, then went t*ts up. I guess it was a hard drive issue, but they just swapped it in my local Dixons. These things do happen...FACT. If people winge, then they have obviously never built computers before. Hopefully the same sh*t won't happen to the same guy twice! ............Roll on 2nd December!
Joined 22 Nov 2005
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 16:49
vault 13 posted:
Sorry man, your such an idiot.

Thanks for insulting me, I know perfection doesn't exist, nevertheless we must ask for it, quality controls are rather crappy today, in fact most components are manufactured tolast but not too much, forcing the consumer to consume is THE priority today, you can insult me as you want, I'm used to Nintendo quality, you won't find any argument to buy lesser quality products like MS & Sony ones, my PS1 failed just after the 1 year warranty expired, and for your statictic, there was quite more than 1/100000 PS2 crashing, in fact more than 10/100, so... as for me not wanting to buy MS & Sony consoles, the edgy quality is not my only issue, you can read the comments about this topic if you are interested:
***n00b weblink removed*** />Know what you are talking about before vomiting random words...
Joined 5 Jan 2006
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 21:32
So annoyed that I also got a faulty Xbox 360 I created a dedicated forum
***n00b weblink removed***
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 23:28
BigJoe wrote:
Maybe it would be best to wait for the second generation Xbox 360, or even stick with the Playstation 3. Here’s a interesting fact for you, more than 90 million PlayStation 2 consoles have been sold worldwide since the PS2’s debut in 2000, compared with some 25 million Microsoft Xboxes sold since 2001. So it goes to show that the Playstation will always be the gamers choice.

clearly an unbiased site! :)
Thu, 28 Jun 2007 19:00
My x box 360 is coming up with 3 red lights on the on/off button , it then does not come on , anybody know what the fault is and how to fix it ?


vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Sat, 30 Jun 2007 04:07
The fault is you bought a s**tty product made by a s**tty production plant overseen by a cost cutting company. :o)

I stretch my arms and let the flames hit the post like wildfire.
Sun, 14 Oct 2007 20:54
the 360 sucks ass

ps3 beats it so easily
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Mon, 15 Oct 2007 05:31
......__--__--__--........ wrote:
the 360 sucks ass

ps3 beats it so easily

They're on the same level at worst definitely not an advantage to either side if you want to be unbiased.
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