I see the 3 USB ports being the first line in cracking the system wide open. No soldering, for a start...
It's never good when this happens, especially when they can't even say it's to allow importing (TONS of the games are region-free). It's a shame, but it was inevitable.
It was the only reason one of the guys queuing next to me was after one, which shocked me.
I see the 3 USB ports being the first line in cracking the system wide open. No soldering, for a start...
I'll be the USB ports have nothing to do with decoding signed executables either, so it's probably not the way to go. I don't think there were any mod-chips for the PS2 that used the USB ports.
fluffstardx wrote:
It was the only reason one of the guys queuing next to me was after one, which shocked me.
He was buying one at launch because it would get hacked? Or he was buying one to hack it himself? Either way, it's a shame, but it seems to be a common trait these days.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that the systems will not play all games from all countries (most titles from America and Europe will not boot because of region-locking).
A ton of games have no region lock though - RR6 was the last I heard mentioned. AFAIK the 2nd party Rare titles are locked, but most others aren't. Halo 2 was a high-profile game with no region code; I know, my copy's NTSC...
Yes, the guy behind me bought one so he could mod chip it in future. I just kept quiet. I can understand PC piracy to a degree (you never know if a game will work on your system til you try it, by which point many think it's too late; you can return the game, but some people hate to), but console gaming? Not with the preowned market as it is...
i will download and play a game only if i have no intentions of buying it... for example if there is a game i am somewhat interested in but really dont feel liek blowing 50 on it i will get it cause its not a lost sale... 99 percent of the game si have played and enjoyed have been paid for... although my college days did lead to a rise in pirating... its difficult when your poor... taking out tons of loands... barely makign any actual money... and everyoen you know has quake3 and plays network games.... sorry id... i owe you guys 50 bucks ;)
which reminds me... i dont think i ever baught worms either... and i playe dthat an awfull lot to... but i never had it on my comp... so it doesnt really count... sorry team 17... i know some of them will read this ;D ____________
i have a friend from Venezuela and he told me that where he live they are already selling illegal game copies for xbox 360.
tis possible that in a country with less stringent laws (i know nothing of venzuelas gub-ment so i am just guessing) an actual manufacturing plant may exist that is capable of producing exact copies of games... not the rib and burn kind we make on our pc's but printed from the get go duplicates... mind you i have no idea how feasable such a thing is... it might explain it.
i don't know how many Xbox 360 are in Venezuela, but i guess like no more than 150,000 units. Also i forgot to tell you something, he also told me that when you go to the Mall or some places, they have like in a table the original games and in the other table they have the copies games.
i don't know how many Xbox 360 are in Venezuela, but i guess like no more than 150,000 units.
i was sort of kidding on that... seeing as i dotn think the sytem has even been released there yet. so far US/Europe/japan are the onyl places i know of have them... does canada even? (not sure hwo they breaks down) so i dont think south america has any at all. but then i dont pay much attention to that so who knows. _____
I guess this hacking was always bound to happen and while it's wrong in a moral way it is a challenge of the man in the street versus big money bags megacorp.
Wonder if MS will respond with more patches and banning people from Live again?
I wonder how the revolution will get around piracy. If maybe it simply won't be able to read dvd-rs. That's the trouble for MS with xobx, they've tried to make it all singing and all dancing that it gives so many options for hacking the thing.
Personally I really wish they'd get rid of region lock outs.
Personally I really wish they'd get rid of region lock outs.
speakign of which... are than any specific japan only games that have come out in recent years that you guys feel should make the transition to english but have been ignored? seems like alot of suprises have actually been making it over seas... dragon quest and katamari to name a few... but what titles do you still think are being over looked?
It's never good when this happens, especially when they can't even say it's to allow importing (TONS of the games are region-free). It's a shame, but it was inevitable.
It was the only reason one of the guys queuing next to me was after one, which shocked me.