Rumours that next GTA game to be set in London Town

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Topic started: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 18:21
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Joined 2 Jun 2005
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 18:21
"Blur, Pulp, Oasis, The Verve and more"
If these are the best bands we can expect in a brand new, PS3 powered GTA let's hope this story is a pile of crap.
Joined 13 Sep 2005
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 19:04

I am disappointed, you forgot the most important part of the story.

Supposedly the infamous "Hot Coffee Mod" has been removed in this rendition in favor of the newly developed "Hot Tea and Crumpets Mod" which takes full advantage the new ps3 hardware.

No word on exactly what purpose the Crumpets serve at this time as those of us on the other side of the pond have no idea what a "crumpet" is.


Joined 11 Dec 2005
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 20:56
HAHA, that would be awsome! I would love it if the game was based somewhere between 1994 and 1998 because i lived in england back then and I LOVE the popular english music of that time! Oasis was such a great band, not to mention chumbawumba if i spelt that right :)
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:16
...but rockstar north are based in edinburgh not glasgow!

About time GTA finds somewhere different for a setting anyway. And I can think of many different eras that would give great soundtracks
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 21:30
the sid and nancy punck rock times would probably be the most popular with the kiddies these days... what with green day beign so huge last year and all.

and a lot coooler than freakin oasis... if i was driving a car with oasis on i woudl be more inclined to drive off a bridge than over a pedestrian... pansy nonsense!
Joined 29 Nov 2004
Thu, 29 Dec 2005 22:19
Could be good, but just a couple of points:

No Ammu-Nation: We don't have gun shops on the high-street, and certainly not in supermarkets.

Comedy "Coppa's": So they're gonna bludgeon us to death with their truncheons?

Saying that, here are the potential good things:

Football hooligans: Joining Chelsea's elite, and starting a riot at Highbury could be a laugh.

Kicking out time: Ok, I know we now have 24-hour drinking hours, but it still happens. Get down that kebab shop!
Joined 20 Dec 2004
Fri, 30 Dec 2005 02:01
I agree that driving around with oasis playing would be a bit dull.
But think of all the other eras they could use, and the people and things they could send up. They'd need different radio dj's but it's a different style of radio in britain anyway.

You would also save your game and reload it to find you last car sitting on bricks with the wheels nicked, with a soundtrack of trance music in the background :D
Joined 2 Jun 2005
Fri, 30 Dec 2005 10:13
With Rockstar's apparent ability to sign anyone they feel like as voice talent I worry that I'd stick GTA on PS3 on, get in a car and hear Chris Moyles, then I'd go and remove my genitalia in disgust. Christ, i'd rather them set the next GTA on the moon than suffer an Oasis, Verve and Chris Moyles onslaught. That said though, how awesome would a Mark & Lard presented radio station be? Just for old time's sake.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 30 Dec 2005 15:04
I'm so tired of GTA series now, as good as it is. And after the whole Hot Coffee thing I reckon Rockstar need a break to try something new.

I know they have The Bully on the way soon, but we need more than that to enjoy their talent. I wonder how long it's gonna take to get something more.
Joined 19 Jul 2004
Fri, 30 Dec 2005 17:20
No a three city of Britain map would be better Glasgow, London and Liverpool (hell maybe even Belfast) if the PS3 is that powerful!
Joined 11 Dec 2005
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 13:09
your right about that, when we lived thair, my dad had sports oriented guns, but he had to have his hand guns separate from them locked up with his ammo locked up in another part of the house. And we had a bolt thing at the top and bottem of the door so that people couldnt kick it in because we had no home defence.
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 13:46
i would have to agree with J_C_X. 3 cities one being belfast.would be soooooo cool to drive round in a virtual belfast.although they would have to stay away from any religious bias or the orange order would get drunk and siege Rockstar HQ.
without getting into u all probably know the orange order march a lot.the biggest one is on the anyway last during the summer i was training for the rugby season,out on a run and down my street and on my route, i saw(and smelt)2 piles on human s**t(complete with toilet paper) and countless bottles of urine.not to mention the countless bon fires all over belfast.i ask you, would this be aloud in any other devolped country in the world?

p.s i have nothing against bon fires,its just in belfast i hate them becuz it turns into a landfill site rubber tires,old furniture,rubish etc.its disgusting.

Joined 17 May 2005
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 14:45
I would highly doubt any GTA being set in a Western European state. It's not because of the cities, because it would be awesome to drive around Southern France, or London, or on the Autobahn (no carjacking there, if you're running around, you just get run over and over and over. could be fun)

The "problem" is the culture. While it is admirable (to me, at least) that violent street crime is at a lower rate, gun ownership is more difficult, ect ect ect, it makes for a pretty lame setting for a GTA. Part of GTA's charm (which is running close to empty now) was the depiction of American culture taken to the extreme.

If we're talking nations other than the U.S., I would suggest you look south. Mexico and Colombia would be ideal places. If you set it in Medellin during Escobar, you could have a lot of interesting possibilities, with the siccaros, paramilitaries, cops, and common thuggery that was going on.
Joined 11 Dec 2005
Tue, 3 Jan 2006 03:12
To an extreme? Ive lived in america all my life and i actially think rockstar north is takeing it easy on amarican culture. thair are amillion things worse about every city they have based the games on, and if they dug deep enough, it would be an intresting experience to see how they could play that out in london.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Tue, 3 Jan 2006 15:33
do peopel here really think there are that many gun shops littered around nyc and LA?

i have been in NYC since 98 and i dont rememebr seeing one gun shop in that entires time. not to say that they dotn exist bu tht estreets certainly arent littered with them.

most fire ams are purchsed the old fasioned way.. out of the trunk of a car... as far as i know.

tis sad to think that on soem level people in other countries might play these games and feel like it is some sort of semi acurate representation.
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