Yeah wheres the f***** news? BUnch of liars. You have nothing. "FIRST THING MONDAY MORNING" was a couple of hours ago. What a useless site.
Spong said they'd bring "something you are very unlikely to have foreseen, coming from way out of leftfield. Suffice to say it brought a smile to our face as we think it will do yours."
And they delivered a pink PS2.
Did you foresee it? I never saw your post on here saying what it was!
Maybe it didn't bring a smile to your face? Is that what you're accusing them of lying about?
Who says this was it? I'm not saying there's more, but all the same.
Or it was all bull, like usual?
I dunno, one mistake is made and all of a sudden a site gets a reputation for life. I'm sure places such as IGN have made many more journalistic errors than the one that made SPOnG known as the 'rumoursville' of the industry. There's a hypocrisy here that other gaming sites just won't accept. :P
As for your recent ALL-CAPS!!11!111one! outburst - Sony fanboy, dimwitted SPOnG hater or plain idiot? You decide! Text now!
And I wasn't prepared for a pink PS2 this late in the game either. :P Very fruity.
Your article had a picture of a PS3, and was talking about how it was now clear that Sony had taken on board the feedback from E3 and worked to improve their marketing message with PS3, as if this announcement would show that.
And yeah there is more coming, but others elsewhere have figured out that a second announcement will be a pink PSP, and Wednesday's announcement is a PS2 pricedrop in Europe. None of that has anything to do with PS3.
Your article had a picture of a PS3, and was talking about how it was now clear that Sony had taken on board the feedback from E3 and worked to improve their marketing message with PS3, as if this announcement would show that.
That's like writing a news story on fruit in general, and posting an image of a banana to illustrate the story. You wouldn't complain if the banana wasn't the centre of the general fruit story would you, even if it was referred to?
Everyone is looking forward for PS3 news. No one cares for gay pink ps2s.
Everyone? I'm not looking forward to PS3 news particularly.
And yeah there is more coming, but others elsewhere have figured out that a second announcement will be a pink PSP, and Wednesday's announcement is a PS2 pricedrop in Europe. None of that has anything to do with PS3.
Liepzig's Games Convention hasn't even officially started yet, am I right? So don't write off anything major just yet based on the fact that not everything was revealed in the first three hours.
Everyone is looking forward for PS3 news. No one cares for gay pink ps2s.
Gay pink. I see what you did there ;-)
But you're right. We're all waiting for PS3 news. And we hope there will be some from Leipzig this week...
But Spong quite clearly knew what news they had for this morning - hence the "smile to our faces" comment - they were probably just not allowed to say anything until a deadline set by Sony.
That's like writing a news story on fruit in general, and posting an image of a banana to illustrate the story. You wouldn't complain if the banana wasn't the centre of the general fruit story would you, even if it was referred to?
No, its like asking people to stay tuned for PS3 news, and delivering pink consoles and PS2 price drops. You were clearly playing on peoples desperate anticipation for PS3 news. I think you even realise how stupid the article was now given that you've taken it off the headlines all of a sudden.
I'm sure Sony will mention PS3 at Leipzig. There may even be news. But so far, based on the leaked press releases for Leipzig, it's all PS2 and PSP stuff.
No, its like asking people to stay tuned for PS3 news, and delivering pink consoles and PS2 price drops. You were clearly playing on peoples desperate anticipation for PS3 news.
Yes, but you missed my other vital point. It's only been a few hours. There's plenty of Monday left for everyone. Except for maybe, him.
"Check in here first thing on Monday", to be fair can be attributed to something like 6am in the morning, I guess. But Sony conference speakers need their sleep too. ;)
The fact that no substantial story has appeared yet is probably a sign that Sony have yet to make their conference in Liepzig. Once it all kicks off I'm sure we'll get our news. It's not as if any other outlet is less in the dark than we are. You just gotta have faith, man.
Look at it this way, at least we gave you all notice that a big announcement was coming this way. ;)
I think you even realise how stupid the article was now given that you've taken it off the headlines all of a sudden.
ORLY? It's actually in the headlines list still, if you scroll down the page. It just got taken off the main 'block' of six.
I'm sure Sony will mention PS3 at Leipzig. There may even be news. But so far, based on the leaked press releases for Leipzig, it's all PS2 and PSP stuff.
It could be a mixture of both. I didn't write that particular article FYI so I don't know exactly what might be disclosed. But PS3's gotta be in there somewhere and with more concrete information otherwise Sony might as well just give up. Considering Nintendo are also speaking at Leipzig that's even more pressure to ramp up the news. With PS3 supposedly coming in three months time, Sony needs to let its ardent fans know where they stand - and perhaps more importantly, where Sony stands.
New PS2 news such as ol' pinky here surely can't be a bad thing either way - you gotta admit, it's a sign that Sony aren't going to just drop the PS2 the moment PS3 comes around. If the PS2/PSOne events were anything to go by, Sony is pretty good to its consumers during generational shifts.
So let me get this straight, this so called smile on your face ment that you guys knew the news already correct, but yet you put a pic of a PS3 with PSP, meaning it could have been either or, if you guys knew what was coming already why did you put those false image up, just like many said across each forum, "I dont trust sponge, it could be a joke or something". Well I guess you just put more dirt on your grave right there, I mean if there is more news to come this morning, your going to make yourself look pretty bad wether or not you didnt make that article.
Spot on. Many people were looking forward for this mega news because everyone got the impression that its PS3 related. Many news sites quoted Spong, and when reading on forums you could see users replying to the news... "careful guys, its from spong" and guess what - they were right. So theres a lesson to be learned there....
Why would I make myself look bad? I'm not the one who's saying "urgh SPOnG lies all the time". Unlike many people I keep an objective view of these kinds of outlets. I know SPOnG for doing stuff like this on occasion, but then what site doesn't? It's funny that people know SPOnG for being a 'rumourhouse' when 98% of the time it's anything but. Remember the XBOX 360 name? "Watch out, it's coming from SPOnG, it's - oh hang on a second, they were right all along".
If I recall correctly, there have been countless times, on the other hand, where SPOnG have actually called to question all these other outlets and the fact that many tend to run a story without even phoning or checking with Sony in the first place. Even IGN does it but people tend to ignore that fact. Yet many are still happy to go there and slag SPOnG off when similar unfortunate incidents occur over here.
Now you tell me. Would you rather go to a place where news stories are run as fact just because they heard it off of Digg (which accounts for about 80% of all 'journalistic online sources' online), without even consulting publishers or developers? Or would you rather go to a website that actually follows through on its information gathering?
The fact that SPOnG referred to PS3 and PSP in a story that may have only involved a pink PS2 is purely academic. The point is SPOnG knew about this news, followed through on its research, and you all didn't. And most likely a phone call to Sony probably would have resulted in you lot obtaining the same information we did. Of course, we're not suggesting all the audience becomes journalists, but if you're ever unsure of something... you have a phone, they have a phone... the two can be used in harmony. There is such a thing as a 'public domain' sphere for information.
And naturally there's the idea that Sony could have lied or had a change of plan after telling us that certain things were going to be announced for definite on Monday. But no, that's absurd, Sony would never backtrack or lie to us.........
Like I said, you guys knew what the news was, so why didnt you just put an image of a PS2 from the start, you guys knew from the very start it would add some hype, like someone said on another site, this was only to get traffic to your site, and on another note, dont even try put other sites such as IGN and in here, atleast they get their facts straight and dont lead people to believe anything, so again by doing this you have made another bad image for the site. And again we are all watching to see "if there is anymore news" cause if not then I dont know, I cant even explain what people are thinking about this right now.
dont even try put other sites such as IGN and in here, atleast they get their facts straight and dont lead people to believe anything, so again by doing this you have made another bad image for the site
Just so you know, I'm not saying that IGN and Gamespot don't get their facts right. I'm simply saying that IGN and Gamespot aren't immune to this kind of stuff. You're happy to ignore that.
You're turning this into an unnecessary "outlet war" argument, to which you're fully entitled I guess. I won't stop you. Like I said I think objectively, and while some more care probably could have been made on the original story, you're going a bit far to assume that we're intentionally lying to you. As I said before, Sony changes on a whim. You're not willing to humour that idea at least, which just goes to show where abouts you stand on the whole bias situation.