If you compare the 12 million PS3`s to 19 Million 360s each and every one of those 360`s have been sold as a games machine but how many PS3`s have?, currently mine is used much more for BluRay than games, apart from GTA5 Pro, i dont play it, sure MGS4 and such is coming and im sure ill play on again, but right as of now its my home movie player!
History has also shown that you can't win a generational format battle on a single continent! XBox 1 was hugely popular in the US - and it failed, HD-DVD was arguably more popular than Blu-ray in the US - and it failed.
I don't know if it's some way of expressing patriotism or something, but American's tend to favour American products. The problem the Xbox has always suffered (and continues to suffer) is it's very unpopular in Europe and Japan. Which, with the exception of games like Madden and NASCAR, are equally important as (and in certain genres more important than) the American market. It's where the stigma of the Xbox only being good for FPS's and Madden games originates from. I'm guessing EA's publication that it's sold more games/generated more revenue from the PS3 last year has turned a few heads!
Also let's spin "the first company to sell 10M units" shall we? Does that mean we ignore the 12 month head start the 360 had over it's rivals? Let's see what PS3 and Wii sales are like next year when they've been on the market for an equal time... do a true week on week compare of global sales for each console (i.e. assume all launched on the same day) and it isn't pretty reading for MS!
Also does the 12M subscribers "enjoying" Xbox LIVE include the limited SILVER service? My betting is it probably does, I'm guessing fully paid up GOLD members will be significantly lower, they just don't tell you that.
Lastly, it's easy to quote Metacritic when you release all your major-AAA titles ASAP to try and get the jump on the competition because your key strategy revolves around releasing it early (regardless how buggy or lacking the hardware is) and clinging on to the early lead generated. Again let's compare like with like and see how many 80+ rated and million selling titles the PS3 has in 12 months time - MGS4, Haze, Little Big Planet, The Getaway, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, MotorStorm Pacific Rift, FF XIII, FF vs 13, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Bioshock (rumoured), Gears of War 3 (rumoured) etc etc etc.
This is merely more MS spin to mask the true state of the GLOBAL console market... they are masters of snowjobbing and I feel sorry for the MS fanboys that have bought into it!
Gears of War....I think that surfaced on the PC...or was I just imagining it...funny cos I've been playing it quite a bit really...Anyway at the end of the day who cares about how much or little they are making...as long as were enjoying playing the games, which face it most are cross platform...Personally I have my PC and I personally feel that the PC far outstrips any console in every respect...but thats my opinion...Just like all the console lovers out there would probably say the same about there respected console...At the end of the day if we didnt live in a competitive market sony and microsoft would not need to push there boundaries in terms of hardware and software development...and we'd still be stuck on Playstation 1...so lets all say hallelujah for good competition and not care about the guys in suits brown nosing each other and bragging "who's is bigger"...
I personally feel that the PC far outstrips any console in every respect...but thats my opinion...
Certainly does on size, and cost.
Not trying to start a holy war here - but the PC is a bit of a special case. And while it certainly is capable of stunning graphics, in order to deliver them, the graphics card costs more than a PS3 or 360.
I personally feel that the PC far outstrips any console in every respect...but thats my opinion...
Certainly does on size, and cost.
Not trying to start a holy war here - but the PC is a bit of a special case. And while it certainly is capable of stunning graphics, in order to deliver them, the graphics card costs more than a PS3 or 360.
Agreed, but i havent seen anything that cant be created on 360 or PS3 equally as good cept say crysis, but then you need a stupid powerful and expensive PC to play.
One slight caveat for the metacritic totals: Metacritic doesn't list reviews for virtual console games for Wii. While I understand why not, as they are not often reviewed like a new game and their ratings are listed on other consoles, They are available for purchase on Wii, and I'd be willing to bet at least 30-40 of them would rate above 80 at Metacritic (see most of their first party offerings).
And truth be told, I think gaming PC costs are out of control at this point...Used to be you could build a high-end, multi-purpose PC, stick a single, albeit pricey, (not as pricey as they are now though) video card in there and you had a near-bleeding edge gaming PC that wasn't so far out of line for more mundane computing tasks. Cetainly you could bring it in at around the $2,500 mark. Nowadays you need almost twice that, and a disproportionate fraction of that goes to things that, if you don't need to play Crysis, aren't neccessary.
Aside from gaming, theres nothing my 6-year old system needs to do that it can't...
386 SX (33mhz), 4 Meg Ram, 250MB HDD (it was removable!), SVGA! Graphics, 1.44 FLoppy,
I later upgraded to a 486 DX (66mhz), 16 Meg Ram, 350MB HDD + 2x CD-ROM Windows 3.11 & Dos 6.2, Added Sound as so i could hear my shareware of Doom and also play as so i could play Tie Fighter & Day Of The Tenticle! The next Time I upgraded i Got a
Pentium 75, 32 Meg Ram, 1 GB HDD, & a 3DFX Card (Moto Racer was awesome!)
I went through Various Upgrades, Voodoo Cards & Power VR`s (never did see PowerVR 2?)
Until i end up with this one which is
AMD 64x2 4200+, 2G Ram, 500GB Hdd x 2, ATI Raedon x1950.....
But i dontplay games on pc anymore if i dont have too, Maybe Command and Conquer but thats it. so i will neveer upgrade again on basis of Graphics!
Mine was an Amstrad PCW 8256 - it came with a printer! It also had the CP/M OS... and Mallard BASIC... ohh, and Logo.... and I played Jon Ritman's Batman and Robin on it... it all worked in glorious black and green (or green and black).
And then I got a job writing about it...
I loved that PCW, I've still got some of it 3-inch disks... can anybody help me get the data off them?
PS: to all you "I think you'll find that...." yes, it was a Personal Computer.
PPS: I called it Ammy the Amstrad PCW...
PPPS: I had to kill it but I told the disks that it had gone away to live on a farm with a bunch of lush looking CPCs.
Commodore 128 w/cheap 3rd party clone C64 disk drive(I got mine like a month before they released the 128D, was insanely jealous) also my first experience with a GUI (GEOS)
My first "real" PC was a Dell Dimension 100 (P100, later upgraded to 200MMX Overdrive)
Atari 400 (w/ stupid membrane keyboard) Commodore 64 (death to the Speccy and its stupid rubber keyboard!) Amiga 500 Amiga 4000 Time Computer Pentium (733MHz?) tower w/ rubbish on-board GFX card eCube SFF HEPC w/ ATI Radeon (for TV recording) Still use it for music (iTunes, remote controlled with my iPhone) Dell Inspiron laptop
Amstrad PCW 8256 ;). I got the 512, and surprising, it was my favorite computer, pity they did not keep it going in a positive direction after the 9000 model. Probably more than the Amigas, and the Sinclairs, commodores etc I had. The 4 level green screen was just illuminating, just looked nice and crisp (was near DVD resolution, which was hi-res in those days) and great fun with those 3D games. I also remember eyeing early home computers like the Atari 400, APC, apple iii's, compu color, zx-80's, original acorn computer kits.
The problem with PC performance, is that it has suffered from bad design from day one. The home computers and consoles were also simpler. I would prefer PC's if they were more like that, load and play, or install and play outside of the OS, and simple to use (otherwise I prefer the PS3). It would be easy enough to add hardware level encryption for any publisher that wanted to use it.