Because I used to own one, and my mate still has his and same old crap on there.
You say you used to own one, but I don't believe you. Even if you did own one, you must of sold it some time ago so you won't know what's on the PSN now. You've said some stupid things in the past but you having a "mate" is one of the most preposterous things I've ever heard.
Because I used to own one, and my mate still has his and same old crap on there.
You say you used to own one, but I don't believe you. Even if you did own one, you must of sold it some time ago so you won't know what's on the PSN now. You've said some stupid things in the past but you having a "mate" is one of the most preposterous things I've ever heard.
you got there before me o well you never gess what MY MATE OWNS 100 HOUSES the psn store is full of good things it could be a hell of a lot better if it was the same as the jap store but the anser to that and the way i do it buy psn store cards from ebay and as long as you dont mind reading jap text your ok ( if you been importing games as long as i have it dont matter)
You gotta love the pathetic Sony fanbabies with their pathetic attempts to diss someone *yawn* Although I bet PS3 fanbabies yawn a lot waiting for anything decent on their system whilst they lose exclusive and have to put up with stupid installations that do a part install and with substandard graphics and a s**t controller and terrible online network that has a couple of hundred users.
You gotta love the pathetic Sony fanbabies with their pathetic attempts to diss someone *yawn* Although I bet PS3 fanbabies yawn a lot waiting for anything decent on their system whilst they lose exclusive and have to put up with stupid installations that do a part install and with substandard graphics and a s**t controller and terrible online network that has a couple of hundred users.
I was going to say something to make you look like a spurious 12 year old.
All You Maggots Can Do Is Sit Around Dissin A Video Game Console Pretty Sad And Pathetic I Own a PS3 n Its Got Alot More Potential Than A XBOX Its ALOT More Stable Its Got Better Games Cummin Out Better Controllers n Better Community... It Hasnt Got Little 12yr Olds Givin People Abuse But i Wouldnt Say XBOX Is S**t... All You Pathetic Fanboys Need To Leave Your Houses, Lose Your Virginity n Grow Up!!! Instead Of Actin Like a Bunch Of Cyber Nerds With No Life
"You gotta love the pathetic Sony fanbabies with their pathetic attempts to diss someone *yawn* Although I bet PS3 fanbabies yawn a lot waiting for anything decent on their system whilst they lose exclusive and have to put up with stupid installations that do a part install and with substandard graphics and a s**t controller and terrible online network that has a couple of hundred users."
if you were being ironic, then it would be pretty funny. however, i highly doubt that, and your previous comment about the sony "fanbabies" as you put it, is kinda made redundant as soon as the other 90% of your paragraph is filled with preaching the gospel according to Bill.
Xbox Live Arcade are mini games that can all be play free on any old PC. Plus Xbox Live lags like hell and is full of cheaters. PSN kills Xbox Live any day they got way better content no doubt.
PSN is superior to me due to its extensive use of dedicated servers and open system. I much rather play for free on the very viable service that is PSN, than pay 50 dollars a year for mainly peer-to-peer play.
Plus, although I have both, I don't touch my X360 anymore. I wan to sell it. Due to it's RROD problems, I will never feel satisfied gaming on it. PS3 feels a lot better when you play it.
It's always undignified when so called 'professionals' attack a competitor, whether out of arrogance, ignorance or insecurity. Such behaviour lacks integrity and could blow back in his face. This kind of talk should be left to fanboys.
Satchell talks about a 'huge amount of creativity pouring onto Xbox'. Sure but how much of this 'creativity' is going to be pure s**te gamers will have to trawl through before finding something worthwhile?
I suppose those kids with enough time and inclination who spend hours browsing the crap on youtube for the occasional gem will now have another sewer to splash around in
Why bother, game developers get paid to produce the goods and review sites and magazines help out with what might be worth buying.