Absolutely pathetic. While understand Bethesda not wanting to cut the projected sales, I really hate this kind of 'bending over' for such dumb reasons.
Fallout 3 is an adult game. Bethesda should have had more balls and stuck to their guns in a Rockstar like way. Sure, its just a small adjustment, but as games progress from strength to strength, in realism and content, cock blocking like this won't cut it anymore.
Why does this industry continue to bow to censorship, imposed by those with double standards and no knowledge of games?
Sure, its just a small adjustment, but as games progress from strength to strength, in realism and content, cock blocking like this won't cut it anymore.
What is it with 'realism' in games? If I wanted realism I'd go outside. I want entertainment at an affordable price. This isn't f**king art, it's a f**king laugh!
Why does this industry continue to bow to censorship, imposed by those with double standards and no knowledge of games?
What double standards? Are you saying that the censorship people are all high on Morphine or are you just randomly expressing random ideas with random monkey-presses of the shiney keys on the boardy thing?
The double standards I speak of or those that let films and music get a reprieve on drugs violence and such, while games get bumrushed. The same biase that makes the Australian government still not make an R18 rating for games (which their films etc can also benefit from).
Fallout 3 (no matter how small) and GTAIV have suffered from this. More games will continue to, if not just getting an outright unjustfied ban (watch Mad World closely).
Game like films can cover a wide range of settings and universes. If Fallout's needed morphine for its 1950's real world setting, why is this a problem, when a book or film would do so happily free of criticism.
Watch Blow and/or Drugstore Cowboy and tell me I'm wrong, Sensiballs. No one ever complains about those, because they are films, more socially acceptable and not interactive (cough,,,bs that last bit, cough).
No one ever complains about those, because they are films, more socially acceptable and not interactive (cough,,,bs that last bit, cough).
What are you questioning? Films aren't interactive. At best, watching films is reactive rather than proactive as games are, which is a world of difference.
Watch Blow and/or Drugstore Cowboy and tell me I'm wrong, Sensiballs. No one ever complains about those, because they are films, more socially acceptable and not interactive (cough,,,bs that last bit, cough).
And what ratings did those movies get? Blow got everything from an 18 in the UK to a 12 in the Netherlands. Drugstore Cowboy got 18 in the UK, R in Australia and 12 in France.
Looks like a bunch of debate to me. Apparently however, video game advocates don't like debate they like weak examples, whining and feeling all picked on by the growed ups.
I know the difference between pressing button on a pad to play a game, and watching a film (pressing remote buttons occasionally). The interactivity bs is what the aussie government are using against Bethesda for the reference of the morphine in Fallout 3. (or something like that, correct if wrong here)
I'm glad someone found the ratings for those films in Aus. They are low considering the subject matter of those films (doesn't that strike you as bizarre?), but could have easily been slapped with 18, if aus had it as an option.
In short, the aus government are wrong and need only create an R18 rating to fix things. The reason they refuse creating one is....well why don't you investigate that....and tell me if it sounds fair to you.
That's all I'm really saying. (And my film references were chosen only on the depiction of drugs in them, which seems to be okay with many.
I still don't agree with this kind of censorship, and its a shame we have to suffer for it (no matter how small).
I'm glad someone found the ratings for those films in Aus. They are low considering the subject matter of those films (doesn't that strike you as bizarre?)
Slowly now... what do you think an "R" is in Australia? And Blow got an MA... what might you think that is? Jesus Christ on a bike...
Joji wrote:
In short, the aus government are wrong and need only create an R18 rating to fix things. The reason they refuse creating one is....well why don't you investigate that....and tell me if it sounds fair to you.
In short, as I've already said, I couldn't give a large candy comforter if it's called Morphine or Borphine or Soma: REALISM is not what I want in a video game. More imagination than realism please. Read that all back slowly - you can use your lips.
Joji wrote:
That's all I'm really saying. (And my film references were chosen only on the depiction of drugs in them, which seems to be okay with many.
How many? What a vapid and pointless thing to say.
Joji wrote:
I still don't agree with this kind of censorship, and its a shame we have to suffer for it (no matter how small).
"Small censorship"? WTF does that mean?
What kind of censorship do you agree with? Let me guess... no child abuse or whichever taboo of the day happens to be flung into your trough of 'realism'.
First, if you are gonna cut and paste what I post previously, don't expect me to reply. If you think about it, I then have to redigest what I said before, then your post, plus a reply = very confusing. Each to their own, but its not the best way to reply.
The use of the word 'small' (in previous post) is in context to the Fallout 3 censorship of Morphine in said game to something else. Its small because it doesn't change how the game plays, and many may not even notice it once playing that much.
I'm sorry, would you class the Morphine subtraction from Fallout 3 as a big game altering change, Sensi. Its not, but I make a point of the censorship out of the principal fact, that the games industry still get suckered by such censorship, while other media unfairly do not.
That is all I am saying. I hope you at last understand me and where I'm coming from on censorship in games (and other media too).
Okey dokey chum, you begin your response by ignoring my points and falling into the saddest and least respectable form of forum badinage - by correcting the way someone else posts. FAIL.
Then you make a point about other media not being 'suckered' by the censorship in various countries. That is whining nonsense and the kind of empty platitudes that mark out (some) video game fans as wee-brained naifs whose notion of the real world is formed by something like Mercanaries 2 or GTA.
FFS mate, every other industry that wants to sell and entertain makes cuts. All of them from music, through literature to film. All of them. Then they sell product that people are happy to buy and be entertained by.
All this bullshit about art and realism and politics is getting in the way of two key facts about video games:
1) Entertain people.
2) Make money.
Put those together and you can make more money and entertain more people. It's not rocket f**king science. And who gives a f**k about Australia anyway? Not even the Australians!
Erm... AbbaFan or SensiBalls? There appears to be a little idenity crisis here? If you're going to post - which I welcome - at least do it under one name.
You might also like to register so we can all debate with you? Two IDs and no reg is a bit low though.
Erm... AbbaFan or SensiBalls? There appears to be a little idenity crisis here? If you're going to post - which I welcome - at least do it under one name.
You might also like to register so we can all debate with you? Two IDs and no reg is a bit low though.
What the f**k? There are rules about anonymous posting here? Do you all have sticks up you asses?
First, how I reply to your posts is up to me, so long as I'm polite and get my point across, I don't have to cut and paste posts like some kind of hack doctor. Feel free to do so if that's what floats your boat, I care not.
As for Bethesda, thanks for bending over for the politicians and censors. Guess I'll vote with my feet and buy something else.
Erm... AbbaFan or SensiBalls? There appears to be a little idenity crisis here? If you're going to post - which I welcome - at least do it under one name.
You might also like to register so we can all debate with you? Two IDs and no reg is a bit low though.
What the f**k? There are rules about anonymous posting here? Do you all have sticks up you asses?
Does a 1,5 meter ass-camera count???
Toptip for everyone, avoiding contracting the disease of Chrone...your ass will be very happy.
That's just converted me. I'm a proper addict now!