Lionhead Not Doing Fable 2 PC

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Topic started: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 12:08
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Joined 15 Aug 2006
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 12:08
I saw this on Lionheads forum and to be fair I guess there are just far too many bugs to warrant a port over to the PC at this time but I know for sure there will be a PC port. History shows us that most Xbox software ends up on the PC anyways.
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:39
It's about time that developers finally realised that Microsoft doesnt care about PC gaming anymore. Bring out the Versions for Mac and Linux and let Microsoft stick their operating system where the sun doesn't shine!!!
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Tue, 27 Jan 2009 16:45
Tim for some reason there is a font issue with posting on this topic.

In reply to your above Sabrina the issue here is piracy but what I am worried about is their mentality considering there is also mass piracy on games consoles maybe not as huge a PC games but it still exists I hope that companies dont stop making games for consoles either!
Its not fair on developers though that so-called gamers have to pirate games considering that PC games are far cheaper than console games anyways.

Macs are not built for serious gaming, how many top end games are available for mac and what about graphics cards like the latest from Nvidia and AMD (ATi)?

PC gaming is mainstream, Mac is not infact since Mac's use Intel processors it might as well be a PC!
Sun, 23 Aug 2009 04:37
There is no PC port because co-op play wouldn't work right. Then parts of the game like the Westfall shooting range where you get the epic pistol wouldn't work right because its point and click aiming would be too easy. Only PC port they made was the one to make the intro movie much better than the graphics an Xbox uses. Notice how they zoomed out for some those shots? not on an Xbox!
Sun, 23 Aug 2009 04:39
Legit buyers will pirate so they don't have to merge cds into one dvd or keep track of all the discs. There are many other reasons for mass piracy!
Wed, 2 Sep 2009 18:39

boo buggy macs need to belong in the bin
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:39
Something as fail as Xbox can't possibly replace a computer. They should know that by know... Xbox is just another failure.
Omer tariq
Wed, 23 Dec 2009 02:11
As a matter of fact fable 2 is one of the best game ever made.We really appreciate u for making fable 2.But most of the guys dont have such consoles.SO we request u to make one for pc.I know one person cant change the perception of everyone.But lot of request are out there.Plz do make one for pc.THANKS
Fri, 8 Jan 2010 02:35
Omer tariq i agree. I mean if they do make one i will like buy them alll!!! I LOVE FABLE WISH IT WAS ON COMPUTER (2 and 3)
just kill me
Sun, 24 Jan 2010 07:20
I'm dying here!!!! I want to play this game so bad!!! I just cannot fork over the money to buy an xbox that will soon fail only to play this one game and possibly Fable 3.... 300 bucks to play 2 games that will have a limited time due to the xbox failure... they will fail as everyone I know that has had one has had it fail on them. most of them exchange for PS3.
Bought an elite 360 for my son, new jasper version, and it failed too. It didn't totally fail but it scratches discs and microsoft will not replace any game they don't make. my other friends would get the 3 red lights... so wtf???!!!!
Wed, 10 Mar 2010 17:08
microsoft totally lost my respect , this kinda doesnt encourage to buy there products if theres any other choice ,btw speakin as a previos xbox user who got the three red rings
Tue, 23 Mar 2010 02:29
The reason why Microsoft doesn't care about PC gaming as much is because there's no competition. Most of the Xbox original games were ported to the PC and as a result, the Xbox failed miserably. If you had a decent computer buying an Xbox original was a waste of money. What they're trying to do is get the most anticipated games on Xbox 360 exclusive to Xbox 360 and then put some games on PC, so that the Xbox 360 doesn't fail as mserably as the first. Microsoft pretty much has the console community nailed, cause PS3 just doesn't have lots of exclusive games that are ectually great and the Wii only has a few decent games coming out this year. At this point the release of a Fable II port wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Sat, 27 Mar 2010 23:44

You are dumb ~
Hardly Anyone even uses Mac and Linux because there is nothing out for them, and it will stay that way
Tue, 25 May 2010 23:41
I've waited long enough, and if and when fable 2 dose come out on pc i'll be proudly downloading a ripped copy rather than letting microsoft milk my money when they've had a chance years ago. I still haven't played fable 2 cause I refuse to buy a console when I have a computer that's 4times better than any console on the market now.
Sat, 5 Jun 2010 07:07
if it ever did come out for PC, id pirate it just to get back at those jerks for snubbing us PC users so bad, had it come out alongside the 360 version, of even at a respectable time later, id have happily bought it, but not anymore. Piracy exists on consoles, this is a concept they utterly FAIL to realize.
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