" Sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed from within the United States
Hulu is committed to making its content available worldwide. To do so, we must work through a number of legal and business issues, including obtaining international streaming rights. Know that we are working to make this happen and will continue to do so. Given the international background of the Hulu team, we have both a professional and personal interest in bringing Hulu to a global audience."
Im pretty pissed off too. Only microsoft can charge people for free stuff and dress it up as a value deal. wtf?
I have a ps3 on principle because im not going to pay to use my own paid internet connection to use my games system. Microsoft can take that xbox and shove it straight up their a$$.
There are 9 million other sites just like hulu.com on the web. if hulu doesnt fix this then we are all gonna usher the next big deal. I have some names... how about TRUBLU.com
NO! - YOU SOUND LIKE A BIG "BABY". Perhaps epsn insider and other paid internet services should be free also right. I mean since you have a paid internet connection. Or perhaps you ISP should be boycotted for charging you for the "free" internet.
@NO! Sony charge an arm and a leg for every device they sell, so surely they're just as bad as M$??? It totally agree, Microsoft try to charge for everything, but so do Sony!! They're both massive corporations who want more and more money!!
@looker: I'm guessing when you pay for stuff on ESPN Insider, or other like services, your actually paying for "content" rather than "the ability to game online with your friends". I'm with NO! on this one. Stop charging for Xbox Live and I'll buy an Xbox 360 the following day.
Those BASTARDS! They should burn in hell. I mean Microsoft, who's already in partnership with the devil. Oh, and all the supporters of the 360, God will never forgive your sins, you will burn for cursing that little gay 12 year old on CoD4 because CoDWaW sucks so bad that nobody wanted to play it anymore so they switched back because nobody wants to play a damn game about World War 2 again, I should know--I'm Jewish--thank you for wasting 12 minutes of your life because you're too retarded to actually read at a normal scale with an IQ of 2. Your welcome.
Oh and the console war is a figment of your imagination. He he he flame me now feed me xD
@b The thing is I would rether pay a little just so I can play any game I want, even when a company goes under, to where as with the PS3 if a company goes under so does the server. That is why they can charge and I am ok with that.
@NO! Dont make me laugh. I thought it was Sony who charged for Beta versions GT5 anyone? But don't worry, when the full game comes out ( another year? ) you will be able to buy the same content again and explain that the game is worth the full price cos they have added a few extras.