More and more Kotdick sounds like an idiot, especially during the current economic climate. In the end the market will decide if his brilliant plans work. He's very lucky he has the luxury of a killer app that people are desperate to play, otherwise he would crash and burn.
Wow ok. Raise the prices of games? Specially with how short games are these days? Yeah, he needs to be fired. Quickly. He'd lose Activision money more than anything.
Yes, because game development is a charity and Kotick is an idiot and a greedy bastard because he wants to earn money for some of the best franchises ever.
The biggest let down of COD 4 was how widely pirated it was especially in the online scene. People tend to pirate because they are not sure based on the amount of crap out there (quality vs cost) whether it's worth their hard earned dollars. Once pirated would they bother going out and buying it if they liked it? MW2 was a given purchase in most peoples book based on the quality of it's predecessor. However, hiking the price up would just increase the pirates. Nice move Bobby boy. BTW, am I the only one who thinks he lools like the Texan out of Boston Legal?
Activision, you really need to sort your crap out, because saying things like that isn't going to win you any fans. Sure, we might buy you game, but that doesn't mean I have to love or be loyal to you in any way.
I have a notion, that all the recent games, that have been put back into 2010 release, is down to Activision on track to rake in huge profits this Q4. Looks at what's coming. Tony Hawks with Skateboard peripheral, Guitar Hero 5 (propably with another guitar), and MW2. All that money is going to Activision, so for Kotick to be saying MW2 should be more expensive, even in a recession, is absolute bullshit (pardon my french), and yes, heaqven forbid, may even lead to some checking out pirate copies.
I bet many retailers will just sell it at the normal game retail price, and I can understand anyone backing out of buying a copy for £50-60. I know that I'll be looking around, or just waitng til new year January sales hit.
Don't count your chickens til they've hatched, Activision. Guitar Hero is going bomb sooner or later.
Wow, what an idiot. We're still in an economic decline, where both money and jobs are tight. He can sit up on his high horse for all I care. I have a $40 pre-order on Modern Warfare 2 at EB Games which I'm going to get back, and just use the original plan and play a burnt copy. I normally enjoy supporting the companies and use the modification as a rental service, but I'm hating Activision more and more.
Fckin retard. Its because of such fcked up moves that people pirate games. I remember how much i begged and saved money for CoD4 when i had already bought 3more games just before its release. And now this, AT THE TIME OF RECESSION??!!! Fire him please.