When I read your comment at home last night I thought 'bugger, better get it started'. My hopes for a quick download (250MB from PSN, then a 30MB update) were dashed when the game loaded and started drip feeding me the 2.3GB content.
I guess they've not bothered with a CDN set-up for the beta - feels like it's spooling from some internal server that's hooked up to feeble pipe. Poor thing's shuddering under the load.
Given that it doesn't download from the XMB, and you have to start the game, I'll be lucky to get this down and installed before the beta expires. Still, at least it resume the download instead of starting from the beginning...
I had the exact same feeling, started the download from the PSN Store, grabbed a bite to eat and got myself ready for some action...........or not as it ended up!
I started the mammoth download last night about 7ish and it's at 98% this morning (I've got about a 3Mb connection)! As the beta is only open between certain hours I'd imagine you're right and they've got the beta running from servers in their office/hosting company so that they can monitor all the stat's etc... either way, it seems to be dying on it's ass!
It's typical I'm out tonight but I'm hoping to get on it tomorrow night, would be good to hear your thoughts if you get in before that.
Do you know which faction you're going to side with?
@miacid yeah, I got about 300MB in and my PSN connection dropped. Can't remember the last time that happened to me, so I was rightly cursing. Worse of it was that I'd switched the TV to watch a bit of Mythbusters - so I've no idea how long it was sat, blindly saying "no connection". Because of that, I'm loathed to leave it completely unattended.
@miacid yeah, I got about 300MB in and my PSN connection dropped. Can't remember the last time that happened to me, so I was rightly cursing. Worse of it was that I'd switched the TV to watch a bit of Mythbusters - so I've no idea how long it was sat, blindly saying "no connection". Because of that, I'm loathed to leave it completely unattended.
So, I doubt I'll get it all down before you do!
I wish theyd extend the test times - i either have to skip dinner or wait until midnight which my parent wont like. so i only get a short time to try it out
If I can get the offspring to bed early doors I might be able to slip in a a game or two before the 20:00 cut off. Otherwise it'll have to be in the wee hours, filling the interstice with some Uncharted2 beta download & play.