Nokia bullish in spite of flagging N-Gage

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Topic started: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 19:44
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Joined 14 Oct 1999
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 13:52
pero wrote:
Rod Todd wrote:
Your needs are obviously quite different to mine.
Mine aren't special.

And mine are? And what is so special about them? Is it that I want to play big and immersive 3D games from the comfort of my home and on a TV/monitor with a big screen? Or is it that, when I'm out and have 15 minutes to spare, I want to be able to play short and fun games, but I don't want to be lugging around a special device just for that, so I would prefer doing it on my phone? Do these things make me a retard, Rod?

Joined 4 Mar 2005
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 14:43
Rod Todd wrote:
It's the part that thinks that N-Gage games are good (they would have been jhudged poor on the 12 year old GameGear!), and the part that thinks that he laughable N-Gage is a decent phone.

Well, I happen to like N-Gage and some of its games, and so do a lot of other people. If you don't, that's OK, you're entitled to your opinion, and I respect it. I certainly won't be calling you a retard because of it.

Rod Todd wrote:
Oh, and the part where you get so riled by a stranger you don't know (and presumably don't care about) calling you a retard in a crass generalistion.

Riled up? Hardly. Namecalling aside, you were wondering why would anybody buy an N-Gage when they could get a PSP. I simply tried to explain why.

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 15:08
pero wrote:
[Well, I happen to like N-Gage and some of its games, and so do a lot of other people.

C'mon. Be realistic.
If "a lot" of people liked N-Gage games, they'd still be being released!

The N-Gage shart was one of the shortest-lived of any ever run by ChartTrack.

Joined 4 Mar 2005
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 16:03
DoctorDee wrote:
C'mon. Be realistic.
If "a lot" of people liked N-Gage games, they'd still be being released!

N-Gage games aren't being released anymore? That's news to me.

And I'm not being unrealistic, I do realize that N-Gage has very poor sales and that if things don't get better soon it will most likely be discontinued. But I also think that Nokia deserves some support and help in trying to succeed in this Sony/Nintendo ruled market, instead of constant bashing and ridiculing it seems to be getting.

I mean, how many other handheld devices allow you to play a MMORPG (albeit, very simplistic) with players from all over the world, while driving on a bus?
Joined 13 Apr 2004
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 17:42
Come on Pero,
The only good thing about N-Gage is that no-one would even want to Mug you for it.
Its just hopeless.
I guess its already retro...
Its not that bad...But...well you wouldnt see me with one.
If you like it thats you, If you just wanted a fone that couldplay games you could have just got a Siemens SX1.
It can play N-Gage games dont you know.
Joined 21 Feb 2005
Mon, 7 Mar 2005 09:06
tyrion wrote:
pero wrote:
Rod Todd wrote:
Your needs are obviously quite different to mine.
Mine aren't special.

And mine are? And what is so special about them? Is it that I want to play big and immersive 3D games from the comfort of my home and on a TV/monitor with a big screen? Or is it that, when I'm out and have 15 minutes to spare, I want to be able to play short and fun games, but I don't want to be lugging around a special device just for that, so I would prefer doing it on my phone? Do these things make me a retard, Rod?


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