UK Video Game Charts: Gears Crunches Sackboys

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Topic started: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 21:57
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Joined 14 Oct 1999
Tue, 11 Nov 2008 14:53
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Hahaha I knew it! Little big flop just cannot compete again as I said only simpletons will want this game or those with a brain of a 5yo.

I'll sidestep the wonderful personal insults that you have left yourself open to and dive right in to the facts.

LBP hasn't flopped, it was the 2nd best selling individual game in its launch week.

LBP has already outsold the following games on lifetime sales; Quantum of Solace on PS3, QoS 360, Midnight Club: Los Angeles on PS3, MC:LA 360, Fallout 3 on PS3, Fallout 3 on PC, C&C: Red Alert 3 and every version of Smackdown V Raw 2009.

Not bad for a "flop" that'd only been on sale for four days.

Not trying to take anything away from Gears, like I said it was always going to sell more, but LBP isn't the disaster you'd like to paint it as.
Joined 14 Jan 2008
Tue, 11 Nov 2008 15:12
config wrote:
Rutabaga wrote:
Sorry. But can't you just ban him/her?

It's getting close

Anyway I've been playing Little Big Planet and think it's awesome. I'm amazed there has been hardly any advertising for it.

I don't think I've seen any LBP traditional promotion (i.e. TV, print, billboard, radio) aside from the occasional bit of lifestyle editorial. It certainly hasn't had the hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of ad dollars spent on Gears2. Same goes for any number of PS3 exclusives - anyone seen any traditional marketing for Resistance 2 yet? It's only a couple of weeks away!

It's high time SCEE marketing took its head out of its arse and got back to basics - "spend money to make money". The PlayStation got where it was through savvy marketing, hooking in the people that became the "PlayStation Generation". Sunsequent mentalist marketing like "The Third Place" and "This is Living" - neither which had anything to do with PS' core games market, - have done more to erode the PlayStation's standing than any amount of marketing from Microsoft or Nintendo.

I saw Quantum of Solace last Thursday (great film BTW), and when they were advertising all the stuff at the beginning I saw a Gears 2 ad, NFS: Undercover (advertising the 360 version), BioShock (sorry SS4, no mention of the 360 version) and then at the end there was about a minute long ad of LittleBigPlanet. It was a great ad, but I actually thought at the time 'why don't I see it advertised on the TV?'. I see Fallout 3 on TV. I see God only knows how many Wii and DS ads, and more than enough 360 ads, but as far as PS3 goes... nothing!

And frankly, the 'This is Living' stuff is a joke. The PSOne had the great 'Do not underestimate the power of PlayStation', PS2 had 'The Third Place' (which was great) until they replaced it with 'Fun, Anyone?', which was a farce. PSP advertising was practically non-existant and PS3 ads are a joke. Sony needs a new marketing department. These people couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery.
Joined 6 Nov 2006
Tue, 11 Nov 2008 16:38
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Why can't you face facts? I knew that LBP would be a flop and it is like all games on the PS3.

Mate, the thin line between 'amusingly provocative' or 'in-your-face' and 'deathly dull' and 'predictably yawnsome' has arrived. The above (and the comment on the MotorStorm dev thread) don't add anything.

Honestly, SS4, if you enjoy the SPOnG Forum - and I'm fairly sure you do - and you'd like to see it grow, then bear in mind the following:

New users have come and have gone based on what they read and feel like commenting on. I like to think that they can find more than inane, anti-console trolling here. I'm worried that when they find the standard 'that isn't on Xbox 360 and is therefore rubbish' outpourings, they simply look at it and move on. There are, after all, lots and lots of Forums on the Internet where this kind of brick-obvious trolling fits in quite nicely. I'd really like SPOnG's not to be that.

Loyal users will simply take the option not to read or contribute to threads that they feel will involve tired, trolling fare. They will return less regularly...

I also know that you're a far keener gamer and more prepared to get involved positively than you make out. So, how about taking your trolling compunction to any of the other sites and providing us here in SPOnG with your better side?

Sure, I know I'm sounding pompous - but I'm not pulling banhammers either. Just, keep in mind that we could turn this Forum into something out of the ordinary run-of-the-mill video game shout-fests if we wanted to.

Cheers and all

Tim's Pomposity Rating is 97.8. His banhammer rating is 97.7 though.
Joined 15 Aug 2006
Tue, 11 Nov 2008 17:00
You're right, I am sorry :-(
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Tue, 11 Nov 2008 22:24
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
You're right, I am sorry :-(

*gives Tim and SS4 a hug*

Now let's shoot the living daylights out of some alien/mutant/soviet scum!
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