When the barely literate anonymous horde assaults the Underwater Castle or any of the denizens thereof, you know I'm right there in spirit, manning the boiling vitriol cauldrons and saying "You know, I told Tim this would happen." to anyone who cares to listen...
Unless, you know...I'm leading the mob...in which case, well, you'll prolly be first up against the wall.
Just good tactics, that...nothing personal...behead the snake and whatnot...
But I mean, sheesh, the bare bones of the article in question, and the facts in contention were all discernible or able to be inferred from the damn title. Its like they scan part of the article, come up with a (erroneous) conclusion from a few words taken completely out of context, then defend their conclusion automatically, even though you'd think they'd have to know they really didn't read the article very carefully.
Think Wii like PS3 that downloads content over the Internet, that would nail it for them. A PS3 with BR in the living room and others around the house loading from the main PS3 or through broadband. Seems possible.