Obama to Blame for Resident Evil 5 Racism Row?

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Topic started: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 12:54
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Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:10
Super saiyan You need to grow up.
The main reason some people thought this game was a little racist was because of a certain scene with a white blonde haired woman being attacked by locals. It's not clear why she's in the scene or if the people attacking her are infected or not.
Which may lead some people to believe that the dev's are suggesting it's hard to distinguish between the infected or the locals because they're all savages anyway.
Yes I'm black , but I don't think the game is trying to be racist nor should the game have a responsibility to be politically correct at every turn.
Movies have been doing much worst things for much longer so I think we should shut up and enjoy the game.
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:10
Of course it is not racist. There are plenty of games out there that have "white" zombies and nobody kicks up about that. It is just a game after all.
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:12
Oh so we are back with the racism thing, AGAIN! it so happens I have never (and nobody I know or have ever met to my best knowledge) enslaved anyone of any colour and personally im way past sick of black people harping on about all that when they feel a little attention is required.

It wouldn't be so bad if the deal worked both ways but apparently it doesn't, there is nothing racist about black people racially discriminating against other races, that is not deemed as racist but if black people have issues with any other race then the other race are branded as racist.


Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:13
Hey, who always gets killed first in a horror film?
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:14
The game is not raciest against black people it is racist against zombies. Zombies are people too!
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:20
"their OWN PEOPLE that sold them as slaves in the first place!" Reveals you as a racist. If you sold a canadian (of any color) would that be your own people? Prick.
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:20
Just finished playing Grand Theft Auto (San Andreas) in which you play a black guy who goes around shooting white Americans, Russians, Vietnamese, Mexicans, etc. etc. And other black guys
Is that racist?
Or maybe it's not racist when he's shooting black guys but racist when he shoots everyone else?
Zombie rights
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:24
Personally, I am sick and tired of my people being portrayed as soulless, undead creatures of the night, lacking in the mental faculties to do anything but sulk about looking for flesh to eat. Contrary to how we are portrayed in the popular culture, zombies have feelings, dreams, and aspirations just like everyone else does. While true our eating habits me seem odd to you, we should all appreciate diversity. Indians like monkey, Chinese like dog, and we like raw human flesh, at the end of the day, we also are only trying to put food on the table to feed our families. I hope you can at least understand that.
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:25
Why do these people go to so much effort to stir up racist stories, do they have nothing better to do than to point fingers all day long? in the first resident evil games the zombies are white do you hear people constantly complaining that they were racist it would probably be worse if the developers put white zombies into the game instead since its based in africa.
there are plenty of games that have white people killing black guys and vise versa i just dont know what the problem is with this strange people
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:28
It's a game. It's also the continuation of a storyline across a series' that people are COMPLETELY ignoring because they're too ignorant to take the game for what it is. Some people like stirring s**t up for the sake of it - this is one of those times.

You want to be treated equally? Stop playing the f**king victim bullshit card and stop complaining for the sake of it, just to show how pig-ignorant you really are.
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:35
didn't you know? racism only exists if its not a white person they're talking about, personally i will only entertain any comments on racism when the playing field is level. If white people have to tip toe around these issues for fear of reprisals and yet have to endure the constant discrimination from most other 'minority' groups, and all kinds of disgusting things said by the likes of chris rock and spike lee then why should we listen now?

Plain and simple it boils down to.... 'Would there be outcry like this had the main character been black and the zombies been white?'

Answer: No of course not, theres no such things as being a victim of racial discrimination if your white
shut up
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:49
Tired of the race card being played. wrote:
It's a game. It's also the continuation of a storyline across a series' that people are COMPLETELY ignoring because they're too ignorant to take the game for what it is. Some people like stirring s**t up for the sake of it - this is one of those times.

You want to be treated equally? Stop playing the f**king victim bullshit card and stop complaining for the sake of it, just to show how pig-ignorant you really are.

You wouldnt know the meaning of the word ignorant if it hit you in the face! Ironic!
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:49
thats bull, zombie films zombies are white, and there are black characters, its stupid that anyone would call this racist, its a bloody zombie game. jeesus, people these days, anything for an agument
Zombie Power!
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:50
rob wrote:
Answer: No of course not, theres no such things as being a victim of racial discrimination if your white

Having had the crap kicked out of me for being Irish while at school in England, I've got to say that you're talking absolute and total, knee-jerk nonsense. The number of Polish people who have also been assaulted on the streets of the UK is probably not up to the level of Hispanics who get discriminated against in the USA, or the number of Asian people beaten up in Australia... but that's simple racism as well - by white people.

The history here is that Africa didn't come over and rape Europe for its resources. Your numty-brained analysis is, in effect, "Oooooh, white people are discriminated against because I refuse to read and understand any context and just want a BNP statement to vomit into any discussion that confuses me... poor white me, blub!"

Go away, find some like-minded, vapid, context-scared members of the Deliverance clan and leave the debates to the adults... or actually watch Chris Rock's "Niggers" sketch and also Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing rather than just take the opinions of other people.

As for Ressie 5 - I don't recall hearing this kind of stink kicked up about Mercenaries 2: World in Flames or Blood on the Sand. It seems to me that a lot of this is down to big 'L' liberals seeing black people in a game and feeling that they absolutely must have an opinion. "Some of my best friends are black" kind of an reaction... when they actually mean, "I tip the black postman at Christmas and am on nodding terms with the shopkeeper I buy my tofu from."
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:53
Its articles like these that segregate our communities into a race row, fortunately it’s doesn’t require much intelligence to know that… (Watch out here it comes) the majority of the African population are black and hence why the bulk of the RES 5 populous is black!

I apologise is this comes to a shock to you, but its old news…In fact ancient news!

Put it this way if I decide to say “Why is the vast population of 1900 England white?”…

Hopefully people will just shrug off this shoddy news.

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