Nintendo Big No to PS3, Xbox 360 Motion-Sensing Approaches

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Topic started: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 09:54
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Joined 13 Apr 2005
Mon, 8 Jun 2009 19:20
tyrion wrote:
It's telling that Iwata-san said that Nintendo have been lucky, I don't believe for one second that they were prepared for the huge success of the DS and the Wii.

Well, there was no way anyone knew the Wii could have been a succes so fast. No one knew how big the market was untill Nintendo tapped it, even Nintendo itself. Nintendo knew it was making a disruptive product, and disruptive products do not pick up steam after a certain period, which they knew as well.

If you had a checklist for disruptive products, the Wii checks them all off except for it's immediate succes. Maybe that shows how much traditional gaming was overshooting a lot of people and leaving them cold, even with small depth charges like Eyetoy, The Sims and Pokemon.
Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:42
camera motion 300 degrees thats ur lot per second

wii motion plus 1600 degrees per second

plus precision at the point of movement UR HANDS

i rest mt case lol cams = rehected gay fodder by nintendo WHY WAS IT REJECTED
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