I saw you were on-line but didn't see you in MAG, the cut-off is 9pm as we're in BST which is GMT + 1, so the hours are 6-9pm.
Also, while trying to find the Uncharted 2 Beta demo last night, I got the Lost Planet 2 Co-op demo which is something else I've been looking forward to 8~)
Yeah, I didn't get the PS3 til about 8pm and saw you were in MAG. However, at that point I was more focussed on getting Drake downloading and fixing up some dinner. After which the wife had hijacked the telly to watch that god awful Strictly Come Dancing thing that's on every night (the weekend show I can live with, but hey, she has to put up with my current Mythbusters catchup ;)
Anyway, I didn't get to MAG last night. Should be able to get some time in on it tonight as the spousal overlord is off to the movies.
After which the wife had hijacked the telly to watch that god awful Strictly Come Dancing thing that's on every night (the weekend show I can live with, but hey, she has to put up with my current Mythbusters catchup ;)
I have to put up with the same, only it's Hollyoaks! I must admit I've just started series linked Mythbusters and the last few have been rather good.
I'm off out for a friends Birthday tonight and not sure when I'll be on-line next, as the misses will be back!
Also, while trying to find the Uncharted 2 Beta demo last night, I got the Lost Planet 2 Co-op demo which is something else I've been looking forward to 8~)