Capcom: Less Wii After Darkside Chronicles Sells Only 16k

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Topic started: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 12:26
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Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 7 Jan 2010 05:44
I've owned all of Nintendo's previous consoles, infact I still have all of them, so I think I have a very good idea of measuring the bizarre Nintendo mindset over the years. I was there for the N64 years, when third parties also bailed for similar reasons. Any good game I got was a godsend, but thank god I had a PS1 at the same time, because I would have missed a hell of a lot of games, created on PS1, because that how devs wanted it. Games on a cd medium, without Nintendo draconian bs. Devs bailing from Nintendo is why PS1 was such a good place to be.

Hell, I even remember Square leaving the N64 for Playstation development instead. Their reason? N64 wasn't good enough for what they wanted FFVII to be. Back then, as an N64 owner, this broke my heart after sweet SNES years. With hindsight though, I now totally understand why Square did what they did. Those vids of N64 FFVII dev code a distant foggy memory, and rightly so. If something isn't good enough for you, there's no shame in saying so, and voting with your feet. GC, I was also there to witness, and while I had much joy with it, there was much fail from Nintendo again.

Devs voting off of developing for Wii, whatever their reasons, are just another repeated story in Nintendo's book of fail over many years, and they still haven't learned their lesson. As far as I'm concerned, until they do, I'll abstain from Wii, and pick up a cheap on at the end of its cycle. NSMB will be just as good then, as my DS SMB is now.

I've personally given up waiting for Nintendo to create a console like PS3 or 360, which is why I've not purchased a Wii yet. As cool and innovative as it is, its also a big disappointment in my eyes (except for the controls). Had they done this, many gamers wouldn't be burying their Wii away at home, in dusty boxes and such..

Its all about freedom of choice, so feel free to disagree with the choices of others, be they myself, Capcom or whoever. Like I said before, kudos to those that bother with Wii, whether large or small developer. Some will see it as a bonus and reap what they sow..
Old Gregg
Thu, 7 Jan 2010 06:05
The sales are down because railshooters died out nearly 10 years ago. Shame on Capcom for trying to make a quick buck off of RE fans and I'm glad it backfired on them. I will say Umbrella Chronicles was pretty fun the first time through and brought back some memories but it got real old, real fast because it's a railshooter. There's only so much you can do with track games like railshooters and this is why they were generally abandoned over a decade ago in favour of 1st/3rd person shooter games.

I can't believe the heads of these companies don't listen to the gamers. No wonder they're all being run into the ground and everybody is buying everybody else out. It's simple, if you want money then you give the customers what they want. And what do we want? We want a remake of Resident Evil 2/3 similar to the fashions of the Gamecube remake of the original but with RE4/5 controls. Do you have any idea how much that would sell? Also, it'd be nice to strafe in future RE titles, the controls are still far too robotic and have little evolved since the beginning. If you do this, I guarantee Capcom will make a crapload of money and make a lot of customers happy in addition to gaining some new ones.
Thu, 7 Jan 2010 16:42
I am pretty disappointed with Capcom for making such a statement. I thoroughly enjoy playing the Capcom games I have for the PS2 and Wii. I am also a HUGE fan of the Resident Evil series of games. Granted I have not purchased many of the Capcom games that I want to get that are on my "wish list" (ex. Madworld, many RE games, etc.). But I also look forward to future releases from them (more RE, Monster Hunter 3. etc.). But this is pretty much all I have to say to Capcom (that is if they are actually listening to their customers) DO NOT IGNORE Wii GAMERS! There is a huge audience on the Wii to develop games for...Please don't forget us!
Thu, 7 Jan 2010 19:06
Joji wrote:

Its all about freedom of choice, so feel free to disagree with the choices of others, be they myself, Capcom or whoever. Like I said before, kudos to those that bother with Wii, whether large or small developer. Some will see it as a bonus and reap what they sow..

I like how you're being such a hypocrite right now. First you were all like, briefly summarized "Nintendo will fail, you will see, because blablabla.... and these will happen, everyone bail out!!". So you were talking about facts, not opinions. Then a whole lot people proved you wrong with actual facts and then you start pulling this "oh it is all opinions, agree or disagree" bejeezes thing. Bah, sickening.

So you suck at least you're a good pseudo-hardcore gamer who glorified the past and thinks his high-market demands will turn around any company if they just hired's fun, but it gets old after the third time.

Nintendo actually did listen to their fans, to all former fans of gaming and gave them the Wii. The Wii has revived many forms of gaming while the PS360 are killing them by the bucketload (JRPG's, platformers, arcade shooters and so forth) because some elitists bastards (e.g. you) can't have their games without HDD-support, 16 texture samples and whatnot.
Nintendo can't survive on the casual? Sure they can, the casual is the base, not you, not the "hardcore", that is so for every medium, you lose the casual, you slowly die as an industry. How do you lose the casual (and in some extent also the hardcore)? By not making enough interesting content...and Nintendo even admitted to not having done that with their Wii-sales drop. Didn't blame it on the economy or gamers "not getting" their games, they blamed it on themselves. And you called them out for being arrogant when they admitted their faults.

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 8 Jan 2010 02:02
Lol. Optimus you are funny. Sound like you are getting a bit angry over Chill.

Like I said, I have my own view on things, made up by my mind as a long time gamer, who's purchased previous Nintendo consoles, but also as a gamer that watched this industry's goings on for years, and the facts as I know them, not just from present news but also past actions. Feel free to disagree, but I have my view and its not going to change.

I see, so because I hear you out while accepting your possible disagreement, you think that's rubbish. Lol. Whatever, I won't lose any sleep if you don't believe what i say, because you don't know me from Adam. I know my own mind, its up to you to guess it if you need to.

In truth, I held out a lot of hope for Wii. Its rise to acceptance was cool enough and good for the industry. I don't want Nintendo to leave the industry anymore than the next guy. Things change though, and so did I after longer thinking. For developers its difficult to paint a Rembrandt on an old post it note, and maybe that's what it feels like developing on Wii. Lack of freedom because this s**ts old, and once you are done, there's a high chance of your work being ignored in bad sales. If you want a better answer, ask a developer or game designer etc for one.

To update this post, Capcom have now lamely U-turned french guys statement, with something kissing Nintendo's ass a bit. How poor.
Fri, 8 Jan 2010 13:15
There's no u-turn, people already said a random French guy doesn't dictate CAPCOM Japan's direction (which is the only one that matters frankly, as only they develop games) but you'd rather not believe that so now you get a confirmation from CAPCOM you're all butthurt over it. The correcting statement isn't poor, what was poor was the initial statement, hence the correction. That French guy was merely covering his ass in a sensational manner to appease you and whoever else falls for the same currently "in" to say bullshit that have been proved wrong with facts time and time again as explained even in this very thread. CAPCOM France was created just two years ago with the sole goal to increase sales of CAPCOM games in that territory. The French guy clearly failed to do that with certain titles and merely covered his ass by blaming factors out of his control, like the platform the games were on. OF COURSE the real CAPCOM wouldn't stand for that s**t, that's not poor form, it's a correction. Also, what the guy above your post said.
Fri, 8 Jan 2010 17:20
Adding to my last post, I'm certainly not implying we'll see CAPCOM do better received Wii games, but at least they have the sense (that some users around here don't) to know their demise wasn't the age rating. That's a step in the right direction at least. If only they'll finally realise people just don't want niche genres, and that is why they're niche in the first place on ALL platforms, so the Wii can't be expected to sell them better just because it has a different controller that makes them more fun.
Fri, 8 Jan 2010 18:52
Joji wrote:
Lol. Optimus you are funny. Sound like you are getting a bit angry over Chill.

Well, sorry for that, it only looked angry though, I wasn't really angry...maybe had a bad day, discussing the market merit of art with an art-teacher can be very frustrating.

Joji wrote:
Like I said, I have my own view on things, made up by my mind as a long time gamer, who's purchased previous Nintendo consoles, but also as a gamer that watched this industry's goings on for years, and the facts as I know them, not just from present news but also past actions. Feel free to disagree, but I have my view and its not going to change.

So why does your view seem to perceive that you completely ignore whats happening in 60-75% in the game-industry(which isn't your fault, the general gaming press misses out on that much), even when those missing facts are presented. It perceives like you again ignore them. So it seems that your view is more based on believe in a preconception and not on critical thinking where you change the view when presented with adequate counter-evidence. Now off course, I can't counter-evidence your feelings towards the Wii, but don't say "the hardcore has left the Wii" because all kind of hardcore type gamers are still on it, just not the typical male 15-30 year old one.

Joji wrote:
In truth, I held out a lot of hope for Wii. Its rise to acceptance was cool enough and good for the industry. I don't want Nintendo to leave the industry anymore than the next guy. Things change though, and so did I after longer thinking. For developers its difficult to paint a Rembrandt on an old post it note, and maybe that's what it feels like developing on Wii. Lack of freedom because this s**ts old, and once you are done, there's a high chance of your work being ignored in bad sales. If you want a better answer, ask a developer or game designer etc for one.

Actually...I did, I talked to the head of Larian Studio's (developers of Divinity II most recent) and some teachers at my game-design course who also work as developers and I had some talks with them and the general feeling was that PS360 development feels incredibly stuck in rust and both devices are too much like PC's (both on the good and bad sides of user-friendliness) to breakthrough in the mass-market.
The Larian guy said that PS360 development is all about big titles supported with big names and with big budgets. He really wants to make a RTS but doesn't because of the huge risk. But he doesn't want to do Wii Development because it is even more uncharted land.

So, in fact we have a situation with fires on both side. Developers don't like PS360 development because it means doing the same s**t over and over again with a huge financial risk. And they don't like Wii-development because they can't figure out the Wii-public which also makes it a huge risk. So in the end they take the more "familiar" feeling risk. So it's Rembrandt doing the same painting over and over again with some different faces slapped on it or Rembrandt with some paper and a pencil. The marketeer will off course choose option number one, the actual artist number two.

Joji wrote:
To update this post, Capcom have now lamely U-turned french guys statement, with something kissing Nintendo's ass a bit. How poor.

Capcom is a company with shareholders...shareholders can get pissy if your company suddenly pisses on the platforms that makes 25-33% of its revenue.
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