I know I'd rather get it from SPOnG, occasional lumps and all, than get the processed and "industry approved" stuff they serve up elsewhere. PreciousROI, huh, looks like some CFO's vanity liscense plate, heh
Mi5t4k3: yeah, you got it that was it, feel free to bugger off anytime now...
but again since your defending it with your life it still makes you look bad instead of admitting it was some type of mistake.
But I wasn't, was I? :P I was merely humouring possibilities. If I was in a debate with a Nintendo fanboy saying that Sony PSP is crap, I'd have defended Sony to the hilt. Same vice versa. I'm objective. Not biased.
I only 'defend things with my life' if I believe in it. My issue wasn't with you saying the story itself was wrong or a lie. Beside the point. My issue was with you denouncing SPOnG's integrity just because you could. It's what's called an opportunist.
And why would I 'admit' to anything if I never said the story was true in the first place? As I said (as I said), as I said (as I said!), I know as much as you. My defending on SPOnG wasn't an act of blind faith. Just as me defending PS2 if someone slagged it off as a piece of crap wouldn't be an act of blind faith.
Why you takin cheap shots at me, what are you spong.com butt lover or something.
If you're referring to me, I'm not. I've been responding politely and with reason, as far as I'm aware. Feel free to prove otherwise. This response just proves that you came in here purely to stir things up in the forum.
Hey I came here to set things straight, How would you like it if you saw people talkin about this article and staying up till the early morning only to see " Its not gay" Pink PS2, come on now, you would feel a let down if you had Saturday and Sunday to say "O well I cant wait to see what this news is about OMG OMG OMG". But about the cheap shots thing, I notice you did take a stab at me a few posts back :).
Yeah, true I would be bummed outright. But unless we really know what's going on with it we shouldn't just jump to conclusions. Many things could have contributed to no real news today - the most credible being either it was misinformation, or the person who's in Leipzig for us hasn't gotten round to sorting things out yet.
As for cheap shots - was that when I quoted you on the last page? XD Sorry about that - when you originally made that post I felt it was a bit cheap, so I kinda did a tit for tat thing. No hard feelings. :)
Set things straight...*falls out of armchair laughing...
LOL very fitting for the topic at hand. XD But I thought the article said the pink PS2 was not gay. :(
Hold on... first Singstar Anthems, now pink PS2's... just where abouts is Sony going with this one?
I'd get over it, but thats just me...I understand that hissyfits are all the rage among pre-teen girls...so hey get on with your bad self.
LOL! man your funny, you again with your little hissyfit cheap shots at me, why dont you grow small hair on your balls and let it drop before calling me a pre teen girl.
Mi5t4k3: yeah, you got it that was it, feel free to bugger off anytime now...