Its suppose to be but some people don't know how to stay on topic.
I'll kick it back into topic.
I really think this is all a dose of sour grapes by Square Enix. In truth Square don't feel safe (yes. even with Sony having invested money in them), which is also why there's no real criticism of PS3 and Sony in this news.
Square have done little on 360 or Wii, so its easy to rag on them. If Square had any real faith they'd be putting their money where their mouth is, in a similar way to Capcom are, across all systems.
This statement came after Square decided Nintendo was too stubborn let their users get at least near full access to the gaming online world.
Which then I could understand why he says the Wii is a toy, or at least in the terms that Nintendo isn't making it a full fledged gaming console - which in order to be you'd have to allow for a certain interaction between users in a game online.
Just like how multiplayer games were the standard by 2000, now online multiplayer and offline multiplayer are the standards for 2008.
What he said is sad but its holding true, I may even have to agree about his Xbox360 part, as sadly Microsoft has managed to make a gaming console that can do many other things, while Sony has made a electronic device that does all the other things and plays games too.
But on the developers end, the solution should be simple should Square had the vision for it on the Wii (in regards to their attempt to extend their FF XI franchise.) Simply put nameless faces, just because the players cant chat or send messages doesn't mean they can't play the same game.
Players Wii name can still be displayed in any Wii title online; which is more than enough to hold a game online. When two players have share a friend code, then all communication can be held. Perhaps Square even forgets the Wii supports Bluetooth 2.0 and 2 USB ports on its rear tray.
All in all a Nintendo Wii, Mii forum channel or communications link would be interesting. (This is beside the point)
Just like Suda51 fell into dismay at the failure of his title in Japan. Square seems to have lost their inge