Everyone knows that web editors fellate the penises of equus asinus.
What other part of an animal would one be able to fellate? Given that - as I think you'll find - fellatio is directly related to oral stimulation of the male organ of copulation - which, in mammals is also of urinary excretion?
The use of that word was to reference the particular animal, rather than the bodily part itself.
However, I note that's not a denial.
I didn't reference the penis in that either, so I hope we're all happy now.. Hey that Gran Turismo eh? What a game.
I didn't reference the penis in that either, so I hope we're all happy now..
Either? You certainly did in the first reference.
Either as in the context of, "have that you knave, surely there is no way you can come back from this literary swipe, and in addition I didn't even reference the penis word." So I hope that's cleared that one (for Amiga games) up.
As for scurrilous gossip regarding my private life. I do not comment on rumour and/or speculation.
I have distribution figures of the DVD of the event that prove it. Although it depends whether you're talking about figures of purchased units, or just shipped units..
I have distribution figures of the DVD of the event that prove it. Although it depends whether you're talking about figures of purchased units, or just shipped units..
Now... Xbox 360 has history on its side... discuss.
What other part of an animal would one be able to fellate? Given that - as I think you'll find - fellatio is directly related to oral stimulation of the male organ of copulation - which, in mammals is also of urinary excretion?
The use of that word was to reference the particular animal, rather than the bodily part itself.
However, I note that's not a denial.
I didn't reference the penis in that either, so I hope we're all happy now.. Hey that Gran Turismo eh? What a game.