Activision Confirms Civilian Slaughter Scene in Modern Warfare 2

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Topic started: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 16:19
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Thu, 29 Oct 2009 09:57
all of you f**kin assholes who dont like it dont buy the game and quit bitchin yea it happens and its f**ked up but this aint real life its a video game and Pissed Off your a Fag yea it happens in real life and theres a lot worse s**t that happenes than that though so quit you whining and shut up its a VIDEO GAME im gonna buy it and gladly walk through there and shoot everything it dont bother me because its a f**king GAME
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 11:22
I am an atheist, an objectivist and I absolutely care about morals. And this is far from immoral. Its allowing players to see both sides...its fine when your clearly blowing the heads off of clearly evil people but when you need to make a decision (a moral choice) it doesn't turn the activity bad.

Second of all and this is probably more important than any of this stupidity.

ITS A F**KING GAME YOU RETARDS! If you don't like, dont f**king play it. In fact go play "Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Gay little girl" version so I never have to play against you in multiplayer you damn pathetic morons.
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 14:04
If you aren't going to have the balls to keep the video up, delete the article. This does me no good.
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 14:49
"We have removed the video of this scene following a request from Activision's lawyers regarding copyright infringement."

Joined 6 Nov 2006
Thu, 29 Oct 2009 14:59
Ian wrote:
If you aren't going to have the balls to keep the video up, delete the article. This does me no good.

Hi Ian,
If only it was a matter of testicles. Sadly it's not, it's also a matter of legal realities. As soon as the footage becomes available in such as way as to not actually infringe on copyright - e.g. the day the game goes on sale - we'll run our own film. Until then, a lengthy legal battle with Activision which we would lose because the footage was shot before the content became anything other than the private property of the company, would result in no more news or anything else coming from this site.

Now, while I'm sure this will be met with responses such as, "No loss there" from your good self, I'd like to think that more news sources getting more news out there - albeit for a short time - is a good not bad thing.

The footage is real; the content is in-game; it will remain in-game I'd imagine on release on November 10th. The controversy and debate will also be there. I'd very much like us to be there to cover it as well.

My personal opinion on this is that it's about time that the fact that in conflicts, hideous things do happen to innocent people was made plain in video games. The sanitisation of actual civilian slaughter that enables publishers, developers, and gamers to put up a 1950s Hollywood pretence that war is honourable rather than disgusting needed exposing. It's a shame, however, that Infinity Ward and Activision couldn't say that out loud.

Finally Ian, I'm sorry if you feel let down, but I there's no point in putting your balls on the table, then presenting the psychotic giant ball eater with the knife and saying 'Please chop here' if you have no defence against the blade.


Thu, 29 Oct 2009 18:57
Never played GTA and Saints Row? Anyone? Its just the same cept that your a terrorist... :O!!
Fri, 30 Oct 2009 02:23
if you would complain about this, why don't you comlain abouit gta or fallout 3. I mean, even though i love gta, isn't killing people and doing random crap, which is fun, kinda what gta is based on? Yes mass murdering civilians is bad, but you can skip it , and you're undercover, and a few other things. I also was like holy crap when i saw this, but then i told my self it's a video game and to get over it. If you don't want to see it, just skip it, and don't keep complaining about it, IW just trying to thickin the story line, which gives you the urgency to do the game faster! and shoot that ****** in the face! (Makarov) (P.S. I'm not sure that u get to shoot him)
Sat, 31 Oct 2009 07:17
Pre-orders are apparently turning up early -- I received my copy last Friday. I posted a high quality version of the Airport mission on my YouTube account yesterday. Woke up this morning and the video's been taken down by a Copyright Infringement notice. Activision move fast.

The game itself is great, regardless of the fact that it's basically a carbon copy of previous COD formulas with zero innovation (I especially dislike the way allied soldiers STILL wait for you to move over invisible scripting triggers before they advance, but I guess it helps keep the pacing in a game such as this). The atmosphere, plot, improved graphics and excellent mission are all praise worthy. I likes. I doubt it will get anything less than a 9/10 on most review sites and magazines.
Sat, 31 Oct 2009 07:35
Anonymous wrote:
This is unnecessary for a violent video game to be this disgustingly violent. Anyone that thinks this is OK needs to seriously stop and think about their life and do some hardcore church-going.

Your first statement is contradictory. As for the second, try and keep in mind that the various religions that pepper our world are collectively responsible for an oceans worth of pain, suffering, murder and persecution, and that includes Catholicism and Christianity.
The thing's that have been done in the name of your God (such as a little thing called the Inquisition) are terrible when viewed as a whole. Also, the Bible makes it clear that God is a jealous, flawed being who advocates slavery, rape and murder on a whim, but people tend to pick and choose what parts of the Bible they wish to advocate. In closing, I would say that a person who dedicates their life to worshiping such a being, regardless of it's disputed existence, is more in need of help than a person who merely enjoys playing violent video games. Just my two cents.
Sun, 1 Nov 2009 20:41
Civilians being killed in a game? OH NO!

Is there really that much moral ambiguity surrounding the death of innocent pixels? A game is still just that, a game. Nobody bitched, cried, and moaned when Hotel Rwanda was in the cinema. Nobody bitched, cried, and moaned when books like Mein Kampf were put on Sociology reading lists. Why is it so odd or outlandish to assume that New Media like video games can't touch on really hard subject matter. If somebody put this much negativity in games to more influencial factors in human psychological development (Such as how one should read to their child at least 4 times a week to improve comfortable interaction and creativity of the child's psyché.) then we'd have a generation of more level headed kids.

Lashing out at 'vidya games' is just the Desperate Housewives approach to looking out for your children. You're doing the minimum amount of work to try and keep the bad things from leaking into the Kiddo's noggin.
Tue, 3 Nov 2009 18:17

The scene establishes the depth of evil and the cold bloodedness of a rogue Russian villain and his unit. By establishing that evil, it adds to the urgency of the player’s mission to stop them.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 3 Nov 2009 20:13
I have no problem with these scenes. Games have to continue evolving and pushing the bounadries of what's expected of them. If they don't, we'll all end up playing crowd pleasing Nintendo games forever.

Hey, us people in the U.K, N.I and Spain have been living with terrorism for years, the strange thing is that it seems to be a lot of american gamers, saying IW shouldn't have this in the game.

Truth is, for many years now, games have got away with not adding civilians into levels, due obviously to technical limits, and thus gamers don't understand or accomodate a concept of loss or tragedy while playing. In any conflict, there are casuaties we never see or hear of, because governments fear our backlash and censor our media. Any product that brings more awareness, that such actions do happen, should be applauded, nice one IW.

Still ,such a shame you and Activision, still loose points over the PC server debacle.

Sun, 8 Nov 2009 19:08
@Pissed_Off you're an idiot. IW has the utmost respect for america, her military, and her government. when they did modern warfare and world at war betas, they allowed the military gamers to play it first, because they wanted their input. they're not mocking anything. they are in fact bringing to light that things like DO happen, and that in today's world, a plot like this could happen. so don't tell them do eff off when they're just educating an audience who for the most part probably doesnt watch the news.
Sun, 8 Nov 2009 19:13
@Tim_Smith i agree with everything you said, except for the fact that war is honorable. no one deserves more respect than the armed forces of our country. no one.
Mon, 9 Nov 2009 12:48
Christ, get a grip people, this isn't the first game to show brutality nor will it be the last. Anyone here remember Manhunt? Unfortunately Brutality sells and as long as it sells, these companies will keep making these games and we'll keep buying them. To be honest, Im more pissed off with the fact that there isn't dedicated servers!

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