Ace of Aces - Atari 7800

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Ace of Aces (Atari 7800)
Also for: Sega Master System, C64, Spectrum 48K, Amstrad CPC, Atari 400/800/XL/XE
Viewed: 2D First-person Genre:
Simulation: Flight
Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Atari (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1988 (US)
Unknown (GB/JP)


Ace of Aces - Atari 7800 Screen

Ace of Aces - Atari 7800 Screen


Hair-raising combat!

Ace of Aces puts you in the cockpit of the Mosquito, the maverick RAF fighter bomber of World War II. It's white-knuckle aerial combat simulation, combining the exhilaration of flight with the gut-wrenching pressure of enemy confrontation.

During World War II, Mosquitos downed 659 enemy aircraft and 500 V-1 Buzz Bombs. Your only allies are your wits, your weapons, and your radar. Are you equal to the challenge?

Down the Nazi bombers, sink the U-boats, outrun the V-1 Buzz Bombs and stop the enemy trains to release the POWs. Should you fly through a storm or around? Navigate carefully, consult your intelligence reports and maps to make a decision. Choose your weapons and fuel wisely - once
you're on a mission, there's no going back.

Select one mission or any combination. If you complete all four successfully - and make it back alive - you'll become the most distinguished flight veteran of World War II - the Ace of Aces!