BC II: Grog's Revenge - Colecovision

Also known as: BC II', 'BC's Quest for Tires 2: Grog's Revenge', 'Grog's Revenge

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Also for: C64, Apple II
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Sierra On-Line (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1984 (GB)
Unknown (US/JP)


BC II: Grog's Revenge is the sequal of BC's quest for tyres renound for being the most influential newspaper cartoon strip. It is similar in idea but taken up a notch with high frame rates and graphics. This time around BC is running away from his nemisis a hairy ball on feet, or grog as hes nown; working his way up a mountain.

It is a simple concept in-which points are collected for each clam you pic up and with these points you may pay tolls. The strategic element is added by grog following BC up the hill, run into him and loose one of your four lifes, restart the level. So simple.Unlike BC's quest, grogs revenge doesnt boast the same speed and excitment