In the life of the seven-year-old PlayStation there has been somewhere in the region of 6,000 games released for the hardware. Now, it goes without saying that these games have covered an extremely wide variety of genres, and even saturated some of them. So with originality lacking, developers are exploring some bizarre avenues. And one of the results of this exploration has lead to the release of Power Diggerz on PlayStation.
In reality, controlling any kind of JCB can be complicated, consisting of loads of different control sticks that control various limbs of the vehicle. But for this video game things have been made a lot simpler. Consequently, simpler controls usually lead to greater game challenges, and Power Diggerz is no exception. But Power Diggerz is not entirely about digging, some of the game’s many levels challenge the player’s ability to manoeuvre around tight mazes. Similar to the GameBoy’s CAT Construction game, most other levels entail the player wandering around numerous building sites, digging holes, and dumping the remains on the back of a truck. Those of you who find the challenge a little too daunting can initially participate in the game’s training mode. Here, you can learn to be a JCB guru before attempting the “career” section of the game. It is here that the game is pieced together and your challenge is to become the ultimate Power Digger.
Okay, so there is one or two games based on building site technology, but it’s not an exhausted genre by any means, and there’s plenty of room for improvement. Power Diggerz uses this room for improvement and turns it into a great game.