Snake Plissken - PS2

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Viewed: 3D Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Namco Soft. Co.: Namco
Publishers: Namco (GB)
Released: 2005 (GB)


The first of what we are told to be many titles based on the famous protagonist from John Carpenter's 'Escape From' films, Snake Plissken promises to bring all the high-octane action to your console.

The character rights are owned by director John Carpenter, producer Debra Hill and Kurt Russell, who plays the gnarly hero, and, as such, these three will be assisting Namco with the development, with Russell providing the voice of Snake. Details are pretty scarce at the moment but we do know that the game will be action-orientated, having players battle their way through a post-apocalyptic universe using hand-to-hand, plenty of weaponry, brains, and the now-obligatory stealth approach.