WWE Survivor Series - GBA

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WWE Survivor Series (GBA)
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Sport: Wrestling
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Natsume Soft. Co.: THQ
Publishers: THQ (GB)
Released: 26 Nov 2004 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+
Accessories: GameCube Game Boy Player
Connectivity: Link Cable


WWE Survivor Series - GBA Screen

WWE Survivor Series - GBA Screen

WWE Survivor Series - GBA Screen

WWE Survivor Series - GBA Screen


A genre that's been massively popular since the 8-bit era of the 1980s, wrestling games, despite being largely the same as one another, remain a big deal to fans of the sport. And in recent years THQ has been famed for its outings with Smackdown and indeed many other wrestling series, the latest of which is WWE Survivor Series for GBA.

An old-school wrestle-em-up both in appearance and in its playing style, Survivor Series is a clearly defined game that doesn't confuse its players with a complex play mechanic. Instead, gameplay is simple and easy to learn, though there is still a wealth of moves available at the player's disposal. Additionally, the inclusion of submission, reversal and momentum systems helps spice things up a little.

As far as the structure of the game is concerned, there are the standard single player tournaments, which are always good for a quick thrash, and a number of multi-player modes that include Cage, Tag Team and Fatal 4 Way. It's the ability to link-up and compete with friends that gives Survivor Series real longevity.

Though hardly groundbreaking, Survivor Series is a clear-cut, highly playable wrestling title and a welcome addition to the THQ portfolio.