Gottlieb Pinball Classics - PSP

Also known as: Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection

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Also for: Wii, PS2
Viewed: 2D Top-down, Multi-way scrolling Genre:
Simulation: Pinball
Media: Custom optical disc Arcade origin:No
Developer: FarSight Soft. Co.: System 3
Publishers: System 3 (GB)
Crave (US)
Released: 10 Feb 2006 (GB)
2005 (US)
Ratings: PEGI 3+, ESRB Everyone
Connectivity: Game Sharing
Accessories: Memory Duo Stick, Wireless Compatible


Gottlieb Pinball Classics contains faithful reproductions of all the classic tables, recreated in a 3D environment, and including the real sounds captured from the real tables themselves, created by the famous Gottlieb Pinball Company over the past 70 years. You will get to experience the crazy Tee'd Off table, created in 1993, all the way back to the groundbreaking Play Boy table from 1932.

Each table can be played individually or head-to-head with up to four other players using the unique wireless and game-sharing features. In solo mode, you can test your skills in the Gottlieb Challenge, a chance to play 10 of the most innovative, famous and collectable tables in the world. The Gottlieb Tournament is where you and four friends can battle it out head-to-head, using the wireless link technology of the PSP. Game Sharing even allows you to share Gottlieb Pinball Classics with a cheapskate friend who doesn't own a copy of the game.

For older viewers, this is the proper arcade deal. None of that Space Invaders or Pac-Man nonsense here, guvner.


Gottlieb Pinball Classics - PSP Artwork