Crimes of War - PC

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Crimes of War (PC)
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: CITY Interactive Soft. Co.: CITY Interactive
Publishers: CITY Interactive (GB)
Released: 16 May 2008 (GB)
Ratings: BBFC 15
No Accessories: No Accessories


Crimes of War is a classic first-person shooter set in the Second World War. Players become Karl Stolz, nicknamed Ubersoldier, a key member of the German resistance team and the main hero of the story. The game takes the player into the last moments of the greatest armed conflict of the twentieth century, with the task of unravelling the secret plan of the SS as they try to escape justice on the brink of the Third Reich's collapse in April 1945. Key game features include stunning quality graphics, physics and AI, with richly added RPG elements which give the main hero a number of special abilities which by upgrading one set of parameters instead of others, allows the player to choose different styles of game completion, increasing the replay value.