Tom Clancy's EndWar - DS/DSi

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Tom Clancy's EndWar (DS/DSi)
Also for: PSP
Viewed: 3D Isometric, Scrolling Genre:
Strategy: Combat
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Funatics Soft. Co.: Ubisoft
Publishers: Ubisoft (GB/GB)
Released: 7 Nov 2008 (GB)
Unknown (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+


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It's war, folks, but not as we know it.

We spend all our lives worrying about when the big one's actually going to happen, and then one sunny Spring afternoon Ubisoft went and casually announced it with Tom Clancy's EndWar! Doesn't really seem such a big deal, this World War III, after all!

Except the title 'EndWar' seems to suggest otherwise. Getting amongst it at the end of the world are three factions to play as: U.S. Joint Strike Force, European Enforcers and Russian Spetsnaz. Yup, them pesky Russians. Russia makes a return to the status of Big Bad in EndWar, as quadrupled oil prices elevate it back to the status of superpower.

The action is spread across three separate but inter-linked single-player campaigns. The action takes the form of turn-based strategy, but it ramps up the intensity with simultaneous move and attack phases, creating an experience not far removed from Real Time Strategy. There are over twenty units and vehicles per faction to get to grips with, including units of the flying, sailing and rolling/walking varieties. They all gain experience as they progress, getting better and better at the art of combat.

Keeping things going after the single-player campaigns have been completed is the option to engage friends in combat, with special missions having been added, tailor-made for multi-player mode. Further extending the experience is an easy to use mission editor, enabling players to create then share their own scenarios.