PDC World Championship Darts is back for another round, picking up the apt suffix of 2009. As you'd expect from a darts game, the key to the whole thing is using the Wii Remote like a dart to nail the perfect shot.
The biggest improvement on last year's offering is the new weighting system for the darts. If you find you're constantly hitting too high, you won't have to change your entire throwing technique – just opt for heavier darts! The aim assist has also been tweaked, meaning that new players will quickly be able to get in on the action.
That's not to say there's nothing for more experienced players, however. Seasoned vets can get stuck in (literally) to the Practice Board, with its reduced beds, to see how close you are to nailing the doubles and playing like a pro.
In Tournament mode, you can play as one of 18 professional players or as your own custom character. Pros lined up for the game include, Phil Taylor, Raymond van Barneveld, Peter Manley, Wayne Mardle, Dennis Priestley, Adrian Lewis, Alan Warriner-Little, John Part, Colin Lloyd, Mark Dudbridge, Roland Scholten, Ronnie Baxter, Terry Jenkins, Kevin Painter, Andy Hamilton, Andy Jenkins, James Wade and Alan Tabern.
As well as traditional 501, players will be able to engage in 13 party games that will get the family involved (without you having to take Young Neil down to the pub). The classics are all included - Killer, Around the Clock, Knockout, Shanghai, Fives and more all make an appearance.