Phineas and Ferb: Ride Again - DS/DSi

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Phineas and Ferb: Ride Again (DS/DSi)
Viewed: 2D Side-on, Scrolling Genre:
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Altron Soft. Co.: Disney
Publishers: Disney Interactive (GB)
Released: 25 Mar 2011 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
Features: Wireless DS single card download play
Connectivity: Wireless Features


Cartoon heroes Phineas and Ferb come back for another slice of platforming action on Nintendo DS, and this time they mean business with their skating skills. You’ll be able to build and customise your own type of ride - from regular skateboards to the more imaginative modes of transport like mine carts - and tackle 12 zany mini-games in order to build and upgrade yet more gadgets.

Of course, as with any action platformer, there are action sequences that you’ll need to overcome to progress. Boss battles with Agent P will add new gameplay elements that will test your mettle, while bonus levels will ensure that you take advantage of all of your skills to truly complete the game.

Along the way you’ll meet familiar characters from the Phineas & Ferb cartoon series, such as Baljeet, Buford, Isabella and many more. Each of these will help you in building cool new gadgets that will help you take out Dr. D and his band of Norm Robot minions. And once you’ve finished the main game, take the experience to your friends using the Nintendo DS’ wireless capabilities. Compete and play with friends and share your wacky creations via DS Download Play. DGamer, the online community exclusive to Disney gamers, is also included, which will unlock even further items for you to use in the game.