Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 - DS/DSi

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Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 (DS/DSi)
Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Strategy: Trading
Media: Cartridge Arcade origin:No
Developer: Konami Soft. Co.: Konami
Publishers: Konami (GB)
Released: 27 Apr 2007 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 3+
Accessories: Wireless DS multi-card play


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Hailing from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga and Anime series' that launched a thousand card duels comes Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2007.

Konami's trading strategy game faithfully recreates all the excitement of the trading card game, immersing the player in a world of monsters, magic and gravity-defying hair.

The card game has been recreated down to the finest detail, with the DS game containing all 1600 of the latest cards. That's one big bunch of attacking, spell-casting and defending possibilities. A whopping array of duelling modes allows players to compete against the game's AI in options that include battles for survival where you must take on allcomers for as long as possible, and Limited Duels, where you must strategically deploy a restricted deck.

Alternatively, you can take on your pals or players from across the world using the DS's wireless functionality. Using Wi-Fi, you'll be able to trade cards with other players to strengthen your deck and chat before a duel commences.

A nice bonus feature for owners of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Spirit Caller allows you to trade entire decks with the other game and access every card in that game.